L. broke with society’s expectations. She had a passionate involvement, which angered powerful men. In return she was harassed, threatened with rape and finally killed.

does it Sound familiar? recent years have #metoo-the campaign put the spotlight on sexual harassment. Individual after individual, group after group have shared their experiences in social media. Actors, musicians, IT professionals, health professionals, academics, one after another, they have drawn skambelagte and fortiede experiences forward from the darkness.

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the Responsibility was distributed where it belongs, in the one who can walk across the border. For it is not so that it is the woman’s responsibility whether she is being subjected to harassment. For a satirical look at the story soon to show the can saints be prone to the most serious incidents of sexual misconduct.

L.’s full first name was Lucia . The stories about her were not lulled his down and forgotten. She was helgenkåret after his death, and lives on in legends and songs. On helgendagen her 13. December sings hvitkledde children about the light’s victory over darkness, while lettrørte parents wipe tears and put dry baskets in the coffee. Songs are certainly not about sexual harassment. But it could they made. Let me introduce: #SanctaMetoo

Stories about Lucia is very old. Most likely they are based on a historical person who died in the early 300’s, and already on the 400’s was Lucia worshipped as the weekend. My variant is based I primarily on gjendiktningen in the Legenda Aurea, a collection based recorded for the first time in approx. 1260.

I have read the book with a very selective feminist gaze, not unlike Ellen in couples therapy. Of course trades the book for the most men, but we also meet a number of female saints, many of whom were exposed to sexual harassment. For Lucia was not alone.

We meet, for example, the holy Agnes. The author is hung up in her appearance, but not only; “Her face was though, but her faith was more beautiful”. Agnes promises to live a life of virginity. Obviously ideal for the saints in the middle ages, fortunately less so now. A powerful man fell in love with her, but was rejected. As revenge he provides to get her sent to a brothel.

The same thing happens with Agatha , also she is the hallmark of a “noble mind and very beautiful”. Like Agnes, she is entrusted to a brothel after having promised virginity and rejected their mighty courtship. Since she gets thrown in jail and tortured. Also not here are saved on the gender references.

his kidnappers are ordered to “take in her breast, and finally they should cut it off.” But Agatha lets still not the cru. She takes the power to define and answers: “Inside of me, in my soul, I have one breast that is without damage, and by these nourish I all of my senses, the breast that I as a child devoted to the Lord”. Admittedly killed her in the end by being rolled naked over potsherds placed over the glowing coal, but there is no doubt that she is the heroine in the story.

Also the holy Justina reject his courtship. He tries on persuasion and temptation, and enters into a covenant with the devil to get their own way with Justina. But it does not help. When either the devil or beileren come some way trying to malign the reputation of her. “Classic”, thinking my inner Ellen.

the gift of The holy Eufemia stands almost among the female saints in that her appearance is not described. When she is imprisoned for her faith, she still attempted to be raped by the judge. But she is fighting against, and God’s power, paralyzes the referee’s hand.

having failed to torture her in different ways due to God’s constant intervention, instructs the judge that “all the shameless and lystne” young men who can oppdrives shall be brought to the Eufemia to “forlyste with her until she was exhausted and died”. Also, this plan fails. Neither the glowing coals, flames, or wild animals damage the saint, and it must be a sword before the female saint ‘joins love to the heavenly choir”.

the Tale of Lucia remains still my favorite. Her challenge is not only kristentro and virginity, she also shares all of his possessions to the poor. Her fiancé enter her, and she must answer for the consul. He also believes it is an appropriate punishment to place Lucia in a brothel.

Where will she be placed to get rid of the “purity” of her as The Holy Spirit leaves her. But Lucia is standing bom fixed, and delivers what must be the best metoo handling: “the Body is not unclean,” said Lucia, “if not the mind is willing. For if you let me offend against my will, my chastity will be me doubled”.

So what is the moral of the story? Sexual harassment is not something new. It’s not your fault, and you can be exposed even if you are a weekend. The ideals of purity and virginity can medieval get have for themselves, but learn, nevertheless, like to of Lucia: You’re the owner of a defining power. It is the abuser who should be ashamed.

Women may feel a little safer when they are on the christmas party of the year Comment