On Wednesday morning, the debate of the state budget for 2019 in the house of parliament. By all accounts, the government’s transitional budget be voted down. Instead expected to the proposal from M and KD win, with the support of the SD.

Elisabeth Svantesson is the Conservatives economic policy spokesperson. She describes the M-KD-proposal as a necessary response to the challenges that cannot wait. In particular, she has it as a budget for jobs and stronger growth.

– Reforms in recent years have stood still. The economy reaches a peak in the years to slow into next year. Sweden is worse equipped than we should, ” says Elisabeth Svantesson.

She stresses budgetsatsningar on defense, for shorter waiting lists and reduced taxes for more retirees. It is, according to her parliamentary duty to try to solve these problems, even if the formation of the government has gone in the stand.

– We have a transitional government, but we have no övergångsriksdag, ” says Elisabeth Svantesson.

, vice chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, for the social actions in the debate. He describes the Conservatives and Their behaviour as irresponsible and warns of problems when the proposed budget shall be carried out without a real government in place.

Read more: , Therefore, proposes to the president Stefan Löfven as prime minister

Fredrik Olovsson out the draft budget supported by the three parties as a month ago tried to do Ulf Kristersson to the prime minister but was voted down.

” No one can say that this fall has resembled any other in parliament. No one who knows anything about how to control this society can say that everything is as normal. What is it of the government to implement this policy throughout the next year? Where should the long-term support come from? For this is not just an-o ‘ – lantern, Elisabeth Svantesson? says Fredrik Olovsson.

contains no controversial new proposal, which is in line with the practice and agreement between the parties. But Elisabeth Svantesson believe that all parties should have done that M and KD, therefore, put forward their alternative to övergångsbudgeten.

– It is parliament that owns the finansmakten, not the government, ” she says.

the sweden democrats spokesman Oscar Sjöstedt acknowledge in the debate that his party will vote on M-KD-proposal when the motion has fallen.