In the evening they came – some of Emmanuel Macrons answers to the burning questions that have been raised since the so-called ” yellow vests began their partly violent protests five months ago.
Century he held was also his response on the views of tens of thousands of French people expressed during the national consultation, the – Le Grand Débat National – who has been around in France since the middle of January.
Read more: Unpopular Macron reloads for ”act two”
” I have learned a tremendous amount about the living conditions that many of you are living under, I know that our democracy is at stake, it is not effective enough. I also know that when one accepts to take the power, you also have to take the anger and frustration that comes with it, ” he said after presenting a number of, several of them already well-known proposal of measures:
need to work several hours, the working middle class to get noticeable tax cuts of at least five billion euros, the lowest pensions will follow the consumer price index and the French state apparatus must be streamlined and decentralised – both to the democratic power and responsibility closer to citizens, but also because it will be easier to take the part of the public services they are entitled to.
” We are already on the right path. The economic reforms we have already implemented has start to yield results, claimed Emmanuel Macron, and stressed that law and order must apply to and that he does not intend to reintroduce the wealth tax, a requirement that has skallat, in particular, from the yellow of the vests.
to the policy in some parts been too technocratic, and without heart – something he intends to change by making the citizens more involved. He promised among other things to make it easier for national and local referendums on citizens ‘ initiatives – which is not in the vicinity of the demands for more direct democracy as the yellow of the vests made.
He also guaranteed that no schools or hospitals should be closed during the two years remaining of his term of office.
coming to grips with the perceived social inequalities are the Macrons response to bet much more on early intervention for children born under less favourable conditions and to invest in the school. Maximum 24 students in each class was a promise and he also wants to raise teachers ‘ status.
When it came to the climate issue, dealt with it summarily. A national council consisting of 150 citizens selected at random is added and a carbon tax to be introduced – all in order to continue the transformation to a sustainable society.
if the speech, Macron held without script, to appease the popular anger, which manifested during the last half of the year. The support for him has reached new lows, but at the same time also has support for the yellow västarnas often fierce protests declined. According to a poll recently conducted by Franceinfo and Le Figaro found that 55% of French people that there must be a stop.
let little surprising not to wait.
Jean-Luc Mélanchon, La France insoumise, meant for example, that century was rather a way to further fuel the political crisis. Maxime Nicolle, one of the yellow västarnas spokespersons, stated that he is ”in no way listened to the people”. Even Philippe Martinez, the trade union coalition, the CGT’s leader, considered that even if the Macron listened, so he has not heard what has been said.
the journalists who covered the wanted’s wondered finally if Emmanuel Macron intends to run for president in 2022?
– currently ignoring, I completely in the next election. My goal is to really succeed in the mandate that is going on. In order to succeed, I am prepared to take the risks required, said Emmanuel Macron.