Venezuelan President Maduro wants to deal with the massive crisis in his country with a Cabinet tag. It is not the first Time that he transforms by his government. The self-proclaimed interim President Guaidó tried, meanwhile, to mobilize Venezuelans to participate in the self-proclaimed “Operation freedom”. the
Venezuelan head of state Nicolas Maduro is planning a far-reaching reconstruction of his Cabinet. Maduro demanded that all the Ministers to abandon their Posts for a “profound restructuring” of the government of the South American state, and wrote to his Deputy Delcy Rodríguez on Sunday (local time) on Twitter. So the country should be protected from any threat. How, exactly, the Changes of the Cabinet look like and whether the more than 30 Ministers in fact, your Resignations will be submitting, initially remained unclear.
Maduro has since the 2013 acquisition replaced his Cabinet several times, and members of the military transported, for example, the peaks of Oil and Ministry of interior. Least of all Maduro, in June last year had called, shortly after his controversial re-election as President, changed the occupation of some Post, and new ministries to life – great Changes remained.
The claim by Maduro and the Cabinet is now in the midst of a serious political crisis. A massive power outage about a week ago, had placed the country in addition, for days and even further into Chaos.
Since the end of January is raging in Venezuela, a power struggle between Maduro and the self-proclaimed interim President Juan Guaidó. The 35-year-old chief of the deposed Venezuelan Parliament has called for the “Operación Libertad” (“freedom”) and the organization of the citizens Committee. Guaidó plans, with a March on the presidential Palace in Caracas movement in the deadlocked fight with the Maduro power to bring. A date he didn’t call for it so far.
The left-nationalist Maduro blames for the collapse of the energy supply of an allegedly of the Opposition and the United States planned a cyber attack is responsible. The government’s opponents see the reason, however, displaced investment, corruption, and lack of maintenance of the facilities.