In the novel ”the hypnotist” from 2007 writes Hans Gunnarsson, often talking about the district lacks much of what the city has to offer. More rarely you hear anyone talk about the reverse, which is equally true, that the city lacks much of what the area has to offer. ”The district takes up where the city ends. But it is also its beginning.”

and the interaction, depicted in Marit Kaplas debutbok ”Osebol”, about a village on the River between Torsby and Malung. Since the 1950s many have moved away: there are more people resident in Marit Kaplas housing association in Gothenburg than in the whole of Osebol. Factories have closed down, the deal was struck again, the slalom slope is overgrown and the bridge over the river has been closed to traffic.

– Community to plant an image in people even obligation is to move where the jobs are, and that you are stupid in the head if you do not do it. You may blame himself. But there are houses in the village where families lived in the descending part of 200 years. If a family lived 200 years in the same house so there’s no just throwing over the table, people don’t work that way. The sight upsets me, to only look forward, be rational, not long home. Homesickness and melancholy are ”low feelings”. So I got an in-depth understanding of it when I wrote the book.

in Osebol, but as a young girl, she wanted to move from there. The border to get inackorderingsbidrag was 39 kilometres, so she moved to Torsby, which was 40 kilometres away.

the Book consists of interviews with 42 people, almost all of the adults who live in the village. They are nurses, grävmaskinister, kyrkvärdar and old more elegant in a choral work of life stories. It is the depopulation and glesbygdsproblematik. But also about a life that is going on but rarely depicted. The book might, with advantage, be set in the shelf between other modern bygdeskildringar as Mats Jonsson ”New Norrland” and David Väyrynens the ”Ground”.

” I feel akin with Väyrynen and Jonsson in the desire to depict a place that is not so often depicted. It is also clear that many people move there, they see the value in having a house there, there is a movement actively away from urban areas where you can’t get away from the city.

the elbow on the table, the knuckles against the forehead. We have taken us to the coffee shop at Norrtull past the non-profit organization motordån and uppvirvlade grusdamm.

– Even people from Stockholm, talking about why life in the city, is expected to be ideal. It can be skitjobbigt to stay in town.

Society plant an image in people even obligation is to move where the jobs are, and that you are stupid in the head if you do not do it.

”Osebol” is how it is written. It is designed in the monologues, which received a poetic language with line breaks from her poetry. Kapla mention inspiration from Edgar Lee Masters ”Spoon river anthology”, a collection of poetry with the voices of the dead, where those who speak are the buried in a mound, and that she afterwards discovered the poet Charles Reznikoff who have written poetry based on the time of court hearings and the assessment report. But for the ”Osebol” was the author and translator Erik Andersson, who heard how they were interviewed and responses had a sound and could be broken down in the verse.

Even if the lines are broken to get the poetic rhythm so already exists in the dialect, language and satsmelodin a kind of innate poetry. When Annika Axelsson in the book describes a deer so is it like this: ”One year we had a buck, he had a crown so fine. We saw all the time that he started to get them.”

– One of the great pleasures for me was to return to the dialect. If you grew up with and surrounded by the dialect and then away from it for several decades so it is wonderful to come home to the language itself. In Klarälvdalsdialekten is a sense of humor that is not possible to express in another way: as things said in the book is the only way it is possible to say.

are stories of how it was better in the old days, when the area was more vibrant. Still feel that the book rarely nostalgic, rather sad over the present and the future.

– If you are 70-80 years old and have lived there all their life and seen the population decimated, greatly so characterize it so clearly. I got in the work to fend off a feeling of sadness, which came both from me and from the interviewed. At the same time, you have to look reality in the face, as a person in the book points out. As to the one-year-only had four children in the whole of northern Värmland: ”Then understand the how the development should go. A see the facts.”

”Osebol” is a massive work of 800 pages. Kapla says that it is so that the models Svetlana Aleksijevitj, as she posted her B-essay, and Studs Terkel, who wrote polyphonic vittneslitteratur if the people of Chicago, said that the art is to discard, not to use all of the interviews you have done. It was never an option for Kapla, who kept on with the project in three and a half years.

”My prepperinstinkt was raised during the work with the book”, says Marit Kapla. Photo: Jonas Eng

– All is with, it also determined the shape of the book. It would feel strange otherwise, everyone adds something to the overall picture. The first time I read through the whole book, it felt amazing – all of the stories were added on top of each other like transparent leaves, and I saw the whole picture in a kind of depth perception. It happens, when many voices get to speak on the basis of something in common, all shifting the story in their own way, it will not be streamlined.

”They put everything down but the refugees it is possible to have too much, there is the money to,” says a character in the book. Another said, ”muslims do not mix with christians”. How do you as a writer to it?

– It is unreasonable for a person to feel the same as 41 other, everyone needs to express themselves and you have to do justice to the people, saying, in a nuanced way. It would be förljuget to do otherwise. Everyone has got to read their texts and had views. It has been felt important to get a wide range of opinions-as they have told me.

elements in the modern glesbygdsskildringar – as in the ”New northern sweden” or as in Camilla Grebes roman ”Pet” – is the asylboende that have been outsourced to rural areas. Population growth provides an infrastructural strengthening: shops can stay open, the bus lines will continue to go. ”It is less with the children, so our survival now it is asylboendet at the Värmlandsporten,” says a woman in ”Osebol”.

– Asylboendet became a way for the restaurant to stay open. When I started to go to the Osebol again, I could eat lunch at the Värmlandsporten. But then asylboendet closed as is also the restaurant closed. There are a sober view of it in the book, that asylum seekers who get residence permit must get a job and it’s very difficult with jobs in the north of Värmland. It is well the conclusion, there has been in other places in Sweden also.

the settlements are to a large extent responsible for their own survival. Several people work with different professions, and churches, and football teams have been merged into large units for the whole of the north of Värmland. Nordvärmlands FF driver such as the general store in the village since 2010, and the shops have to be voluntary to be.

– You are at the mercy of the elements here. When it is cold, it becomes a real problem, you can not rely on any hyresvärds heating system, and the car needs to work properly. So you help each other with the right amount of, as skottning and so.

– There is another lesson I have drawn from to write the book: My prepperinstinkt has brought, I think I am a loser who lives in a city and are totally dependent on electricity. The smartest thing would have been to stay in Osebol near arable land, in a house with a functioning wood stove. But I don’t know if I can learn on now.