Christopher O’Regans wristwatches bar lost its pointer. The glass fell away from the watch and when he pushed back it was the missing. It is like a thought of a historian who has made a career on to bring to life the late 1700s Sweden, the Gustavian period.

the city walk we are on is a wonderful trip back in time. I get stuck to the O’Regans referring to the letter to the editor in the newspaper Stockholms-Posten and Daily daily. Upset texts get a response that drips of irony.

is the need to ironisera deeply rooted in us humans.

the Concept of ”The ironic generation” was coined by Jan Gradvall in Nöjesguiden in the beginning of the 1990s for, among other things ”Killinggängets” successes.

But it ironiserades healthy even 200 years earlier.

And already at Gustav III:s time was the irony-the grip old. The Greek philosopher Socrates used often of the irony, even during the trial, in which he 399 f.Kr was sentenced to death for having ”seduced the young and neglected the gods.”

after kommentarstråd on Facebook gets out after a few posts:

Typstatus: ”What were you thinking BMW owners on the that ran a red light at 70 miles an hour when I was on my way across the street with my stroller? We could have died!”

Comment 1: God so terrible.

Comment 2: Why should always we BMW owners hang out?

Comment 3: Well, to Volvoägare always run nice and quiet, while the BMW owners are idiots. So it is the.

who feel a strong need to express himself ironically to make a fool of others in the social media is not only very stressful.

The proud vidareförmedlare of an ancient tradition with a proud philosophical roots.

Martin Fransson is director of sport at Today’s News and fascinated by how some of the alleys in the Old town can be completely deserted on a sunny Saturday in march.