For those who are interested in democracy in global health is Freedom House’s annual report ”Freedom in the world” invaluable. Since 1973 demokratiinstitutet evaluated how well the countries of the world maintain the civil liberties that constitute the folkstyrets nucleus. In the week published the latest edition.

the Colors green, yellow and purple has a special significance for those who follow the reports. Countries are scored on a seven-point scale, where 1-2,5 means that a country is ”free”, 3-5 it is the ”partly free” and 5,5–7 that it is ”non-free”. The färgsätts ago in green, yellow and purple depending on its classification.

The last ten years, the map of the world has become less green and yellow. More countries are purple. Democracy is around the world in a decade-long retreat.

gets the visual changes more clearly than others. On the north and south american mainland was as late as 2015, no purple at all. Since then, Venezuela has been transformed into a dictatorship. It also has Nicaragua done, where president Daniel Ortega last year brutally beat down the large protests against his authoritarian rule.

When Viktor Orbán came to power was Hungary a stable democracy, with a nice one in the ratings from Freedom House. In this year’s report, Hungary may a third. And the EU its first yellow spot.

the Most notable is still färgskiftet in the EU. The union’s members have all always been green.

When Viktor Orbán came to power was Hungary a stable democracy, with a nice one in the ratings from Freedom House. Attacks on media freedom and the independence of the judiciary has forced a reassessment of the country. In this year’s report, Hungary may a third. And the EU its first yellow spot.

the political scientist Samuel Huntington noted that democracy spread across the world in three waves. The first was set in motion by the French and american revolutions, and swept over the north atlantic during the long 1800s. The other was let loose after the second world war and brought with it new democracies in Europe and among the continent’s former colonies.

Both of the waves was broken by the authoritarian motrörelser – in the form of the totalitarian b. the emergence in the 1920s and 30s, respectively, a series of military coups in the global south in the 60’s and 70’s.

The third wave took off when juntorna was forced away from power and gained further strength in the and with communism’s collapse in the 1980s and 90s. There is hardly any doubt about that, although it has now been broken. And if that the continuation of a dangerous time waiting for democracy.