I winced a couple of times when Ylva Johansson (S) were heard in the Echo lördagsintervju in the weekend. The labour minister assured them that she intends to implement all parts of the social Democrats and the Green party’s settlement with the Centre party and the Liberals – even those reforms that S is formally opposed, as a complete restructuring of the employment service. But not only that.

Despite the fact that she admitted to heavy proposal is not the S-policy, and that she herself would not have submitted them found Ylva Johansson that it is good that they are with. In other words: januariavtalet is not just a necessary evil to keep the power – the result is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

skeptical that C and L would be able to reach a settlement with S always said that it was impossible, therefore, that the social democrats would not accept the mittenpartiernas requirements. Since the S made it, they have claimed that the government will not implement the agreement – and tries to make it will’s special interests, say no, or the party’s constituents, or anyone else.

Fyrpartiuppgörelsen is the start of a reform process that deserves to be defended on its own merits.

We’ll see, maybe it will be so. LO, the Swedish union of tenants and the voters might kick went ballistic when Ylva Johansson and her colleagues are moving from words to action. To no-sägarna has been wrong up to now does not mean that they do not get right to the end.

januariavtalet shall be carried out in a good way, which is a prerequisite for Stefan Löfven to remain head of the government of the entire legislature, have ministers to begin with, sound more like Ylva Johansson.

It is not just that the results will be better if the government believes in its policy. Fyrpartiuppgörelsen is the start of a reform process that deserves to be defended on their own merits, and not just as a tough compromise to close the SD out from the influence.