Rarely is the congressman’s career started in chaos as employees Matias Mäkysen (sd).

Mäkynen presented their credentials at midday the speaker of the parliament. Afternoon, at 14 he participated in his career in the first parliamentary plenary session.

in the house was recorded up first, that Mäkynen has come to the hall and the next clause was, that the government has resigned. Yes, it was time to rumba, Mäkynen says with a laugh.

“I Know where to come in”

the 29-year-old Matias Mäkynen left the spring parliamentary elections the waiting list in the constituency of Vaasa, but rose to become an mp Jutta Urpilainen (sd) transferred to the commissioner.

the congressman’s first day is always filled with a wide variety of mandatory things, but Mäkysen day today was very special.

in the morning at 10 Mäkynen participated in the first parliamentary group meeting. More than two hours after the meeting Antti Rinne left the presidential palace to ask the government the difference.

in the Morning when leaving, did not know what the afternoon is up against, Mäkynen said.

the resignation of the Government related to the atmosphere of the Mäkynen describes disappointed, even with the same gaze was turned to the parliamentary groups in already future. The party as a board member he has been aware of this situation already longer and yesterday was the meeting of the things to ponder.

I Know where to come, and it’s been that way a surprise. But the fact that the situation in the crisis by this bad and led to the fact that Antti Rinne was forced to resign, it was time to järkytyskin, Mäkynen said.

Mäkynen was involved in negotiating the slope of the government programs. He noted that all of the now government parties have announced their commitment to the government program and its support for the government base.

– of Course palpation are conducted with all parties in accordance with constitutional rules, but yes this strong commitment is the fact that continue on the old footing.

independence day to celebrate

the New mps is a future law committee and member of the economic committee. In addition, he is the largest committee alternate member. Memberships are Mäkyselle pleasing.

Today, Tuesday Mäkynen also received an invitation to participate in Friday’s independence day celebrations at the presidential palace. He told part that he had prepared for the fact that if the mps of began before the independence day, also party invitation will come.

Last weekend we took care of practical arrangements for the independence day reception. After all, it’s a big honor to get to celebrate the people’s representative of independence day. We expect of course hard.

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