”the East is east and west is west – not confront them with each other.”

A poet Rudyard Kipling in the 1880s.

the Line’s history robbed often in the wrong, even racist purposes – but we’ll get to that later.

the Quote, however, wedged in my thoughts the other week in Tallinn, when I listen to Siim Kallas .

Kallas, former prime minister of Estonia, said Estonia was still the east–west division prisoner.

Kallas’s experience and view to assess the country’s development. He has served as a politician, as the Soviet union, Estonia, like the European union.

He stressed that in this case east case has nothing to do with the Kremlin. The breakdown is cultural and linguistic.

the dichotomy is due to the decision, which was made in the early 1990s. Official estonians of the then population was only accepted in Estonian language are able to.

Almost one fifth the inhabitants of the earth is missing from its citizenship.

in Lithuania was different. Citizenship was granted to all volunteers who were regulars enrolled in the territory of the country it gained independence again.

Many new or the cold war reborn state has a quarter of a century established a reasonable civil society.

But in Estonia there is a defragmenter in the middle. Almost one fifth the inhabitants of the earth is missing from its citizenship. Russian citizens with a permanent residence permit in Estonia is a six-digit number.

in Addition, there is a five-digit number of ”grey passport forms”, which do not have any state citizenship. Both the European union and Russia have guaranteed them freedom of movement within their territory.

in a State election can vote only for Estonian citizens. In local elections the right to have other residents. Thus, for example, Tallinn’s mayor is selected in the multi-ethnic Mihhail Kõlvart , whose native language is Russian. The Estonian parliament, Riigikogu, is instead, a couple of centre party members, except for full ”pure” estonians-sounding names.

Board tipping is expected on a weekly basis. It would not have left the news in a country where the government, the average age of 650 days.

2020 start nationalist populism raises its head even in Estonia – a little the rest of western Europe lags behind, but just as strong.

interior minister Mart Pearl , led by the conservative people’s party, i.e. Ekre received last spring parliament elections big gains and end up, according to the center led Jüri Track government.

since estonia’s policy has been quite the hullabaloo. The government tipping is expected on a weekly basis. It would not have left the news in a country where the government, the average age of 650 days.

Last week received from the government to leave rural minister of Mart Järvik . He is already the third exchange gone ekreläinen the minister within six months.

Ekre play the irresponsible image of the game to ethnic intimidation. It equated to on the other hand, the Russian-speaking inhabitants of the immigrants, but the rant on the other hand, the ”gay propaganda” and against traditional family values than the Vladimir Putin , Russia.

Next, Estonia is considered a local election. Ekre hunt for them to succeed also usually the center of the voting in the Russian language of sound. A common theme can be found in, say, african immigrants intimidation.

Should have seen the revenge mentality over.

Estonia unity key citizenship issue should have been used to solve otherwise. Bilingualism realities should have been accepted. Should have seen the revenge mentality over.

it would have taken Nelson Mandela level of humane wisdom. Or at least it would have been good to listen to Donner – like thinkers, who are trying to introduce estonians to the Finnish language solution for the good side.

Now of civil society to the incompleteness of the threat to come to Estonia from the success of the brake.

Maybe estonians are many others, read kipling’s ”east and west” -a poem of only its most famous verses.

It, what Kipling really meant, I found two lines lower:

”But not to the east, länttäkään, border lines, tribal not; miss’ harsh nature against two brave men took.”

Matti Mörttinen

the author is pir a journalist and fiction writer. Kipling’s verses in the translation of Yrjö jylhä’s.

the Topic can discuss 03.12. until 16: 00.

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