It becomes increasingly difficult to eat, smoke and drink in Europe. Politicians who want to meddle in people’s vardagsnjutningar have a tailwind and a steady stream of new laws and rules have been added in recent years.

In Lithuania the one who bought the alcohol to hide this before they leave the store, and the selling of foreign newspapers can be punished if they are not covered over all the ads for alcohol.

It is the essence of The nanny state index compiled by the british think tank the IEA since 2016. Here is measured the freedom to drink alcohol, use tobacco and e-cigarettes and to be able to eat and drink what you want – such as soft drinks, coffee, bread and unhealthy food. It is the freedoms that shrink precariously in Europe at the moment.

Finland, and also our baltic neighbours have introduced somewhat draconian restrictions. In Lithuania the one who bought the alcohol to hide this before they leave the store, and the selling of foreign newspapers can be punished if they are not covered over all the ads for alcohol.

the Swedish politicians have also the most difficult to resist the spirits, which is högbeskattad and heavily regulated. We have, however, in a european perspective, the correct permissive tobakslagar, above all, by lawful snuff.

the EUROPEAN commission has welcomed the French plans to ban all smoking on film, all but a healthy attitude to freedom of expression.

at Least restrictions of all countries in the EU have Germany, which illustrates that countries can work well without that over-regulation of entertainment and pleasures. There is nothing whatsoever connection between life and regleringarnas rigour.

boring should be a hot issue in the EUROPEAN elections. Many regulations – not the least of tobacco – has its origins in the EU directive. The EUROPEAN commission has welcomed the French plans to ban all smoking on film, all but a healthy attitude to freedom of expression.

not Everything goes in the wrong direction. In Slovakia, one from this year, can produce up to 50 gallons of its own spirits of home-grown fruit. Worse is that the whole of EUROPE only experienced the five small openings in the last two years.

But the shrinking freedom is no ödesbunden development. Liberals in all parties should fight against it.