Our prime minister is on the run, noted labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in spefull tonnes when the british house of commons held an extraordinary Brexit debate on Tuesday afternoon.

Rather than an escape, should probably, however, Theresa Mays round-trip is seen as a last ditch attempt to get EUROPEAN leaders to give enough to appease the indignation of the conflicting parliament at home.

May started the day with breakfast in the Hague, together with the Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte. Then followed lunch in Berlin with German chancellor Angela Merkel. And so on to Brussels, where the European council president Donald Tusk and commission president Jean-Claude Juncker received.

there was not much to suggest that the british prime minister, had been the EUROPEAN leaders to fail.

” The agreement reached is the best possible, and the only possible agreement. No room for renegotiation, ” said Jean-Claude Juncker, the progressions, which should also have been repeated behind closed doors by Angela Merkel.

When May for a moment could not get out of the backseat of his locked car, with Merkel were expected outside, it was a part of the present as smålog. In many parts of the continent seen the british problem with the EU-exit as something that is largely self-inflicted and linked to the british domestic politics, rather than as a conflict that can be resolved in the negotiations with the EU. https://twitter.com/SkyNewsPolitics/status/1072463780007809024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1072463780007809024&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.politico.eu%2Farticle%2Fbritish-prime-minister-theresa-may-locked-in-car-while-angela-merkel-looks-on-in-germany-brexit-backstop-talks%2F

however, the mood is quite different. The scottish nationalist party the SNP demanded that the largest opposition party Labour would force a vote of confidence on May, after she set up the vote that has been scheduled to be held on utträdesavtalet – with less than a days ‘ worth of margin.

But the Labour party is awaiting a further period of time – then the prime minister’s spokesperson said that the parliament should get to vote on (perhaps something changed) utträdelseavtalet with the EU ”before the 21 January”.

According to the Labour party’s spokespersons provide you happy May time to meet with EU leaders and return empty-handed.

– In go untainted prime minister, his office by unilaterally remove the agreement from the parliament’s table and escape, instead of accepting the chamber’s ruling. This is no longer a functioning government. The prime minister’s chaotic managed negotiations have ended in defeat. How will she be able to have the authority to negotiate for the whole of the Uk, when she does not even have authority enough in his own party, said the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Theresa May to meet all the EU leaders at a summit in Brussels. But both the Irish government and the EU-leadership has already explicitly ruled out changes to the design of our backup plan is going for Ireland (referred to as the ”backstop”), on the basis of the consequences that it can have for the peace process on the green island.

If the progress fails to learn the pressure increase also in the Mays Tory party, where the radical ”brexitörer” that is Jacob Rees-Mogg calls for her resignation.

“It is she [Theresa May] who has led the government to defeat, and she must take responsibility for it,” said Rees-Mogg on Tuesday.

in Order to get a vote of confidence internally in the Tory group, are required to 48 of the 314 members in writing requires such. So far, only 30 members had submitted the type of ”letter” – but Rees-Mogg and other critics, as the former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, seems convinced that a confidence vote is now imminent.