Christmas and new year holidays have passed, but the political peace and the spirit of cooperation that the prime minister Theresa May wanted to a month ago, when she pushed up the vote on the skilsmässoavtalet with the EU, has not appeared.

on Sunday ruled out the May in an interview to postpone the vote yet again, despite the fact that there is much to suggest that she goes against a bitter defeat. Instead she put her last hope for a last-minute offensive.

– first, we are going to give clarifications relating to northern Ireland specifically, second, a greater role for parliament in the next step of the negotiations, relating to our future relationship with the EU, and thirdly – and this is something we are still working on – we want to have forward declarations and clarifications from the EU in order to alleviate the concerns that exist, ” said May.

The Times and The Guardian to the british government, now that the EU is an open exchange of letters shall set up a clear objective that a new agreement should be ready by 2021 if the future of the relationship. The intention: to reassure mps who fear that the Uk is stuck in a continuation of the customs union by the back up plan (the”backstop”), which is intended to avoid a hard limit in Ireland, but that only comes into force if it is not concluded any new contracts before the transition period is over.

From the EU’s side are solid at it’s not relevant with the changes in the actual utträdesavtalet, and an exchange of letters does not change the. But the circuit around the May hope that a political decision should be enough to get hesitant members of the parliament to vote yes.

at the same time tries to the opposition to mobilise a majority in the house of commons to stop a british exit from the EU without the agreement. The debate learn with other words, to become hot when it resumes on Wednesday, and the vote on the Mays agreement is expected next Tuesday, January 15.

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