the Whole world was in an uproar in the british parliament. First decided Labour’s Joan Ryan to join the seven colleagues who on Monday decided to leave the Labour party and sit in their own independent group in the house of commons.

On Twitter, she writes that the Labour party has been ”infected” with the ”antijudisk racism” then Jeremy Corbyn became the party leader in 2015.

At noon today, then came the next drop-out – with far greater consequences.

Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen have all decided to jump off from the Conservative party.

”We feel that we can no longer remain in a governing party, whose policies and priorities so deep is in the hands of the (hårdbrexitgruppen) ERG and (northern ireland unionistpartiet) DUP”, writes the trio in a letter to the prime minister, according to the newspaper The Guardian.

this is now the whole regeringsbasen in sway in London. Theresa May has already previously been forced to rely on support from the DUP’s ten members in the parliament to achieve a majority.

Read more: Brussels can’t blame the whole Brexit at the brits

the Conservative party right now, however, only 324 of the 650 seats – giving the majority only thanks to the northern irish republicans, Sinn Féin tradition of boycotting their seats in parliament.

the Prime minister May regret the defections.

”this decision makes me sad – here are people who faithfully served our party in many years and I thank them for it”, says the prime minister, in a statement.

”of Course Britain’s membership of the EU has been a source of disagreement both in our country and in our party for a long time. To terminate the membership after four decades, was never meant to be easy. But by delivering with our manifesto commitment and implement the british people decisions as we do the right thing for our country,” writes May.

Read more: the Questions that need to be resolved at the exit