the ”Complete collapse”. This is what awaits if the British prime minister, Theresa May fail to get their utträdesavtal with the EU has approved in the british parliament, writes in the Sunday Times, according to Reuters.
at Least six high-ranking pro-EU ministers are threatening to resign if Theresa May is pushing for a avtalslös Brexit, according to the newspaper. At the same time threatening Brexit-positive ministers to resign if May would support a customs union or try to delay the EU-exit.
how little room there is for May to break the deadlock with the Brexit, writes Reuters. This after her utträdesavtal was voted down for the third time in parliament on Friday.
There also seems to be those who support a customs union. Paul Brand, political correspondent at ITV News, writing on Twitter that he had spoken with a minister who previously voted no to a customs union – but who will vote yes next time.
”It will be a massive support for a customs union from the conservative benches on Monday”, the minister said, according to the Paul Fire.