in the dream anti for the help of melatonin sales have increased significantly, as well as in pharmacies that in supermarkets.

Easy availability, various brand marketing and a general discussion of sleep importance has been reflected directly in food trade in goods of melatonin on the shelf. S-group, melatonin sold each year hundreds of thousands of packages.

Sales is the songs almost tripled compared to the 2015. In recent years growth has been around 60%, know SOK’s chain management range of the master Sam Ylisuvanto.

Melatonin has been long available in health food stores and supermarket shelves. Pharmaceutical safety and development centre Fimea considers that less than two milligrams of melatonin-containing pill packaging are supplements and the stronger are drugs.

Riihimäkeläinen painter Rauli Mård to use melatonin to offset jet lag. Mård fly exhibit because of the number of Helsinki and New York.

– I jump around time zones over and also the stress of effort, so try melatonin has lowered fell asleep on the threshold, a bottle of pills to buy become a painter to explain.

Rauli Mård use melatonin, but the actual sleeping pill is not a man fit.Ville Välimäki / Yle”It will be asked every day”

the university of Pharmacy has 17 stores across the country. Their own record shows that melatonin sales growth in several years in a row, and the peak not yet reached.

– in the early years of development on the basis of the sales continue to grow twenty percent compared to last year. It remains to be seen what it will grow next year. Now melatonin is our range of over 30 different characters, told the information services manager, the pharmacist Catherine Lehtinen University Pharmacy.

the growth in Demand has been noted also in private Sun Pharmacy Riihimäki.

It is asked every day. They are sold in several dozen jars a week, tell the pharmacist Johanna Kahma .

Melatonin get stronger prescription preparations and bigger pack sizes, but these products increase has been more moderate.

the sellers do not compete for reasons told accurate sales figures. Especially a dietary supplement sold mediated by melatonin is difficult to get information, because the shop is divided into many different seller.

Modern man to tweak the dream

Sleep disorders have increased, particularly in people of working age among. Up to 30% of adults suffer from insomnia at least three nights a week.

Finnish institute of occupational Health looked insomnia symptoms (navigate to another service), the fourth with the university in 2017. There was almost 25,000 municipal workers.

– a Temporary insomnia seems to be becoming more common specifically among working-age, especially in the 2010’s period, stated unitutkija, professor Timo Partonen Health and well – being of the institution.

Unitutkija Timo Partonen, according to melatonin use is not the light of the study are significant side effects.Jyrki Ojala / Yle

Also, the THL and the Finnish institute of occupational health of research it turned out (switch to another service), that more than 40% of the population of working age says that he experiences insomnia at times, a few times a week or at least a few times a month.

– People may think that a dream can bargain in order to spare time and obligations would be enough time, Partonen consider.

Melatonin possible side effects, data has been collected, but Partonen according to any alarming has not come out.

It has for long periods been used regularly for example, adolescents and adults without any alarming effect, Timo Partonen fix.

Physicians recommend by melatonin

Melatonin increase in popularity has turned to the actual hypnotics to a decline in consumption. Also, the current treatment recommendations have contributed to drug consumption.

– Melatonin is often the preferred option when we go to pick up a suitable pill the patient’s sleeping problems, stated health and general practitioner James long lake the Finnish health house Hämeenlinna outlet.

Riihimäkeläinen Rauli Mård has been tried also in the actual pills.

They’re not my thing. I and the triangle drugs don’t belong in the same picture.

James long lake, according to the patient control visits it turns out that many of the melatonin has worked well.

Ohmp Jaako long lake recalls that the sleeping problems of the underlying cause you will find out.Ville Välimäki / Yle

the occupational doctor remind you, however, that equally important is to identify the patient’s sleep the real reason you.

– Usually found in the any stress factor, like a lot of pressure and problems in work life or personal life. The workers have great problems to get to sleep and get a good night’s sleep, especially shifts that end in the evening or at night, long lake explain.

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