The EU-States need to find from the point of view of the German government and other EU States as quickly as possible a temporary solution for getting back in the Mediterranean blocked the rescue ships. “From our point of view, it is not a commandment of humanity, that we discuss case by case, which country is in which order of magnitude is ready, the circumstances under which shipwrecked people,” said Interior Secretary Stephan Mayer (CSU) on Thursday at a Meeting of EU interior Ministers in Bucharest. In the recent case of the “Sea-Watch 3” to take Germany nine migrants.

the representatives of other countries spoke in favour of more sustainable solutions. You set the priorities sometimes however, unlike Mayer. The time before the European elections end of may.

In recent months Italy and Malta, private rescue, had vessels with migrants on Board is always the entry into their ports failed. On condition the governments in Rome and Valletta made that other EU countries are taking the people. Least 47 people had to wait almost two weeks to Board the German “Sea-Watch 3” before you were allowed to in Italy on Land. Prerequisite for this was, that had in the short term, explains a number of EU countries-including Germany – for the inclusion of migrants ready.

Italy calls for Amendment of the rules of engagement

Because of the distribution issue in the refugee crisis, which started Anti-smuggling operation in the Mediterranean sea. The government in Rome has been calling for months, that the rules of engagement be changed so that Italy no longer has to accommodate all the Rescued alone. The human rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe criticized the Italian port lock for the rescue ships to be sharp. You urge, to uphold the human rights of migrants, wrote Dunja Mijatovic in a letter to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, published on Thursday.

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German concerns whether a “significant step forward with regard to the creation of a temporary Ad-hoc distribution mechanism,” said Secretary of state Mayer. It was unworthy, that again and again it needs to be negotiated.

Malta is affected due to its location, particularly

EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos emphasized, there is a need for transitional rules, to which EU States had agreed on a asylum reform. “It can’t stay in the case of Ad-hoc solutions.” The asylum policy of the EU is progressing, however, since years, because the community can not agree on a binding quota on allocation of refugees to all countries. Countries such as Hungary and Poland, want to not be persuaded to oblige migrants to be incorporated. The Romanian Minister of the interior, Carmen, Dan, who currently has the chairmanship of the Minister of the interior, called for “a solution on the Basis of solidarity and voluntarism”.

Malta is affected due to its location, particularly of the Situation – and puts a different emphasis. The competent Minister Michael Farrugia called for on Thursday, including an end to the short-term organized solutions. However, he said: “Let us the Problem of combat, looking instead for a solution for the distribution.” The business model of the smugglers, the migrants from Africa over the Mediterranean sea, was to be fought.

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refugees in the Mediterranean ships of the German Maritime search and rescue in Malta

create, Whether the Minister of the interior, to achieve even before the European elections end of may, progress with the common asylum reform, is questionable. “With the elections in front of the door, I see no way that anything can happen,” said Farrugia. (dpa)