Sølvi Endresen has passed the Norwegian kirkenes and the Russian Murmansk matter more than 20 years. He takes in one of the other Norwegian volunteers with warm clothing in a neighboring country for the poor and the sick.

recently, the journey has slowed down. The Russian side has more troops and tanks, where volunteers are forced to duck.

Russia is currently running the country of the Northern navy’s largest submarine training then the cold war. Training will continue far into December. Nuclear submarines are practicing activities at great depths for weeks, even months.

russia’s main strategic nuclear weapons located right on the Norwegian border in the Murmansk region. Laura Merikalla / Yle

at the Same time, Nato is practicing in the north more and closer to Russia. This autumn the barents sea is flown, for example, the United states bomber, the stealth info.

Small events can escalate into a major conflict. It Norway be afraid, when military action for the acceleration of the Norwegian and Russian border.

It is also a key reason that Norway is now going more strongly Finland and Sweden, alongside the nordic defence cooperation.

the Military action has accelerated over the past year

russia’s main strategic nuclear weapons located right on the Norwegian next door.

russia’s nuclear deterrent, security policy and great power status are largely based on the fact that its strategic nuclear submarines are able to operate and move freely. The murmansk region of them is the short way to everywhere. For example, in the Baltic sea are all states of the region to observe and controlling the traffic.

between Nato and Russia tightening, we will closely monitor The Independent Barents Observer news website editorial office of the church of the peninsula in the center. The site is running arctic military developments reliably and accurately for a long time.

Gps-jamming is decreased in kirkenes this year. Thomas Thomassen

in the early autumn also in Finland, reported that Russian special forces were alleged to have acted Svalbard. (you move to another service)

The Independent Barents Observer reporters spent a lot of time for data checking and researching, but they can’t confirm it.

the Military operations and with law is, however, the barents sea and the Kola peninsula more than a year.

– Military situation has substantially deteriorated over the past year. Russian submarines does not move only in the barents sea, but also the Norwegian sea, right on the Norwegian west coast. Also Nato and the Norwegian side is activity accelerated and they practice quite close to Russia, told The Independent Barents Observer editor Thomas Nilsen .

He is persona non grata in Russia. He is not allowed to travel to Russia and news sites to be able to read Russian.

reporter Thomas Nielsen told reporters that the military action has accelerated over the past year in the barents sea.Thomas Thomassen

a Few years ago, the site devoted to the Barents secretariat wanted the reporters to stop Russia concerning critical writings. Silence of the Russian federation. The barents secretariat’s job is to promote norway and the Russian economy.

the reporters refused and launched their own news website, now added to the prefix in The Independent.

Russia has been practicing in Northern Norway research station of conquering and gps jamming. If the crisis comes, Russia wants to be able to prevent it, that Nato can stop their dive boat.

Yle debate in kirkenes several local with gps-harassment, and according to them, it is decreased. Last year it took a Norwegian newspaper says 6-9 weeks.

Harassment during, for example, ambulances or rescue helicopters are not able to use satellite positioning.

Also foreign intelligence services work more actively in the Barents region.

the Norwegian security police warned of threat assessment in 2018, that the intelligence of the subject are special military areas, which are particularly important for the Russian security.

Norway wants the nordic countries to the common front

at a time when Russia is practicing the Norwegian of the northern border, the capital city of Oslo, a senior foreign policy researcher Andreas Østhagen hosted a discussion event for the arctic security policy. Speakers has arrived in Canada deep place.

in Norway afraid of it, that small events can grow into large conflicts. For example, concerning the peak of the mountain, fisheries, natural resources, or something that happened in Russia and norway’s common border, explain Østhagen, who works at the Fridtjof Nansen institute.

a senior foreign policy researcher Andreas Østhagen told norway’s afraid of the possibility that a small incident grow into a major conflict between Norway and Russia.Yle

the Possibility has been considered, for example, a situation in which the peak of the mountain would be born in the controversy of Russian fishermen and the Norwegian coast guard between.

Norway is going more according to Finnish and Swedish, alongside the nordic defence cooperation. In norway, politicians are now considering, which is cooperation to the next level and where are we going according to.

– If russia with the conflict, Norway wants to get a common front. Norway’s hope is to get neighbors to commit to norway’s security-political environment and interests, said Østhagen.

Another reason for norway’s increased interest comes from Washington. Worn 2-3 years have raised questions about whether the U.s. will to defend Europe or the actions of nato in the trust. This is the incentive for Norway to reduce the independence Yhydsvalloissa and become more closely involved in the nordic cooperation.

the Norwegian minister of defence Frank Bakke-Jensen said in Yle interview that right now in Norway working on it, how far the cooperation goes. The transparency of the agreements must take into account the fact that Norway is a Nato-country and the Swedish and Finnish members of the EU.

Norway to strengthen its forces on the border

Two kilometers from the Russian border and then I heard barking. The Norwegian border guard dogs are on patrol Svanvikin border station.

the South Varanger garrison to control the Russian and Norwegian border, and reports havannoistaan, so that the armed forces have the correct snapshot. The garrison commander Jan Marius nilsen found , the situation has intensified.

there’s a lot of uncertainty, unpredictability, the great powers competition and geopolitical tensions. Russia is part of this picture, Nilsen said.

in early November, the U.s. B-52 planes practiced F-16 fighters with the barents sea. Forsvar with

in the North of Norway have already started to strengthen the region’s troops. There are setting up a new permanent infantry company. The armed forces and the army have set its priorities in the tip.

– the Work is still in progress, but it is progressing well.

Nilsen recalls that although the military situation has changed, it is the cooperation of local middle good. These things are not mutually exclusive.

optional työntekjiä Sølvi Endresen afraid of one thing: the situation of tightening such that both sides of the border residents could not cooperate with each other.

It would be sad, because between people all is well. This is a big powers game.

A-studio deals go Arctic security policy and nordic defence cooperation TV1 was there today at 21. Our guests are the defense minister Antti Kaikkonen and foreign policy institute senior researcher Matti Wash, as the host of Heikki Ali-Ihalainen.

see also:

Lithuania and Russia exchanged spies at borders – also included in the Norwegian researcher’s vision of the Finnish fighter procurement: Rafale, Typhoon or Gripen for 20 years, then, according to the new european process

nato’s scandinavian members: Macron is wrong in its critique

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