for nearly two weeks in Egypt missing German-Egyptian has been arrested by the Egyptian authorities in custody. The Federal Foreign office in Berlin confirmed on Tuesday evening that the German Embassy in Cairo after repeated efforts, the information that the person Concerned was in the custody of the Egyptian authorities.

The 23-Year-old from Göttingen with a German and Egyptian passport had been detained on arrival at Cairo airport and was considered since then as missing. “All Attempts to make contact were, so far in vain,” said the mother of the Disappeared, the German press Agency. You do not know, why he was going to be detained, said the family.

The 23-year-old göttingen, has a German mother and a Egyptian father, wanted on 27. December traveling with his brother from Saudi Arabia, coming in from the Cairo airport to Egypt, to visit the grandparents. The authorities arrested the young man, according to the family at the airport, while his brother was allowed to continue traveling. Members learned later, he was detained by the secret service.

in addition to the 23-Year-old from Göttingen, lacking any trace of a young German also. To made the 18-year-old Isa El Sabbagh pour, the Foreign office has no information. The students, in addition to the German and Egyptian citizenship, has been missing for more than three weeks. He wanted to visit his sick grandfather in Cairo. 17. In December he flew to Frankfurt (Main). However, after the arrival to the airport in Luxor, Egypt, the young man disappeared.

daily mirror tomorrow location


to order “Since he got into the plane, we have heard nothing more from him,” said his father, Mohamed El Sabbagh to the daily mirror. Actually, Isa wanted to travel on the same evening to Cairo. “He had already checked in, sat in the plane.” Later, relatives were told in Cairo that he had been in Luxor.

According to Mohamed El Sabbagh, there are between the two cases, from the December, no connection. He himself had only learned through the media of the missing in göttingen.

the family fears that the 18-Year-old could be tortured

Isa El Sabbagh is born in Frankfurt (Main), the mother is German, the father of the Egyptians. This summer, he wants to make his a-levels. “It was the first Time that he is alone traveled to Egypt,” said his father.

His family is now in great concern for him and fears he could be tortured in detention. “I’m afraid that he will suffer the same fate as the one in Egypt killed Italian Student Giulio Regeni.”

three years Ago, Regeni was gone in Cairo without a trace. The 28-Year-old was later found dead, his body had traces of severe torture. Human rights organizations suspected due to his injuries, he could have been killed by Egyptian security forces.

German diplomatic verbal note

Both families asked for help to the German Embassy in Cairo. However, the findings have not been confirmed, was attended by the Egyptian authorities, apparently, officially. At the Federal foreign office in Berlin, it was, you take the two cases very seriously. “The German Embassy in Cairo is in contact with the Egyptian authorities and is trying vigorously to enlightenment”, a spokesman said. The German diplomats already sent a note verbale to the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Cairo.

The Egyptian government has imprisoned human rights organisations, in the past few years, tens of thousands of people for political reasons. Some of the sensational cases were of double nationality. The Egyptian state is treated as Egyptians: the message of The second country is not informed automatically, thus, the possibilities of influence for foreign governments are low.

The cases are reminiscent of the German state citizens of Turkey in the past few years. Also there was it for the Foreign office in particular, in the case of the double-state learning difficult, to obtain information and consular access to the Detainees.

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Kevin P. Hoffmann

In Egypt, the government are sitting critics, peaceful protestors and journalists are also behind bars, such as real or alleged supporters of the Muslim brotherhood. Human rights organizations accuse the authorities of unfair trials and arbitrary arrests. Torture will be particularly practiced in the detention centers of the secret service “systematically”, says Amnesty International. According to the human rights organization Human Rights Watch about 60,000 political prisoners in Egyptian prisons. (with dpa)