Five days after the devastating fire in the Paris Notre-Dame Cathedral in protest of the yellow West again to riots. More than a hundred people were arrested. However, significantly fewer people went to the street than previously expected. the

“We want to live, not just survive”, which is based on the Transparent, the representatives of the yellow West-carry movement this Saturday through the streets of Paris. It is the 23. Time that the government’s opponents to go on the road, and again it comes to disputes. Protesters erect in several Places, burning barricades and throwing stones at the police. In the vicinity of the Place de la République in the East of the centre of Paris, several vehicles go up in flames. The police uses tear gas and stun grenades.

Until the early afternoon had been arrested in the capital more than 100 people, reported the station France info, citing authorities. In addition, there have been more than 11 000 preventive controls.

The movement is protesting since mid-November against the reform policy of the French President, Emmanuel Macron. In Paris are allowed around the case of fire, the heavily damaged Notre Dame Cathedral and the Champs-Élysées, no protests. On the Champs-Élysées, it was in the past again and again to violent riots.

It is the 23. Weekend in series, to the followers of the movement in France to demonstrate.

(photo: REUTERS)

“millions for Notre Dame, but what about us poor?”

For the Easter weekend had called some leaders of the splintered movement for weeks to protests. The police in France had prepared, therefore, once again, to serious violence – the Minister of the interior had announced a large security contingent. Large parts of the Paris metro, therefore, are out of operation, and more than 60 000 police officers in the whole of France. Anger there is among some supporters of the movement on the high level of donations that came together in a short period of time for the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. “Millions for Notre Dame, but what about us poor?”, for instance, on the shield of one of the protesters.

Nevertheless, the demonstrations fall on Saturday, significantly less than even a week ago. Against 14 clock have gathered in Paris at about 6700 people in the whole country there are less than 10 000, writes the French newspaper Le Figaro. Last weekend, 30 000 yellow vests were on the street, in the middle of November more than 280 000.