The Global Compact for a Migration that is Safe, Orderly and Regular of the United Nations ( UN ) has been approved today by more than 150 countries who have attended today to the intergovernmental conference, the UN organised in the moroccan city of Marrakech.

The approval was by acclamation during a plenary session chaired by the UN secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, the president of the General Assembly of the UN, MarĂ­a Fernanda Espinosa, and Nasser Burita, the Foreign minister of Morocco, host country of the conference.

The president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, traveled this morning from Madrid to Marrakech and moved directly to the headquarters of the summit. However, at the summit of the UN there are significant absences, like the united States, Italy, Austria, Israel and several nations in central europe.

Against the argument of many of those countries, that the covenant that you are going to subscribe to affect its national sovereignty, the Spanish Government stresses that it is not a treaty, but a declaration of principles, and that those who support it can have its own migration policy in function of your needs.

The Executive considers that Spain is one of the best-prepared countries to cope with the migration phenomenon because of its story which has been the country of arrival, transit, return and origin of migrants. Hence, Sanchez claimed the leadership role that Spain can play to achieve a comprehensive management of migration.

In his speech at the summit, according to Spanish sources, will advocate for increased cooperation with the countries origin and transit of migration, urge to fight against the mafias who traffic in human beings and to be asked to measures for the integration of immigrants.

in Addition, it will highlight the relationship between climate change, desertification and migration. In that context, it announces that in the first half of 2019 the Spanish city of Almeria will host an International Conference on Desertification.

it Is expected that Sanchez’s hold on the sidelines of the summit, several bilateral meetings, including with the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the UN, Michelle Bachelet, coinciding with the celebration on this day of the 70 anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.