governments there is sometimes a tendency to deal primarily itself, is not news. That doesn’t occur in the Grand themes of space, Hartz IV more often, too. Exactly, it is mainly what the people that have to do with the Jobcenter & co., to fear. Who quarreled with a authority months to seven Euro, which suffered civil damages. Because he has experience, as he – as with fundamental rights equipped and otherwise highly valued (and Would! Untouchable!) Individual – in a soulless bureaucracy is lost.

This is the one and sure the Worse. The other is the economic nonsense that the self-employing bureaucracies do. For example, when with great effort the small amounts paid by Hartz IV recipients be recovered. The CDU work and social policy Kai Whittaker let the relationship work out. Result: For the Reclaim of EUR 4.6 million, consisting of not more than 20 Euro for administrative expenses was in the amount of 40.6 million Euro. These are of course Numbers from the section “summing up in the head.”

Should expect the Jobcenter but better!

He wanted for years, a “de minimis limit”, says Detlev Scheele, of the Federal labour Agency boss in the “süddeutsche Zeitung”. Not only is he, you might think. In this way, costly Principles it is possible to refuse safely.

on the Other hand, 4.6 million Euro are not to much money spent for nothing. The job center should expect better, you might ask, and quite rightly. But the number of Hartz-IV-proceedings before the social courts of the country, year by year, evidence that the obviously lighter than redeemed.

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The new Figures but in all cases, to the widespread view that the Hartz-can’t stay IV as it is.

More about

Hartz IV-recovery of small amounts costs more than it brings in

– read here the Causa-debate on the question: “What follows on Hartz IV?”