Almost a billion euros worth of money in the pot sitting on the Finnish independence jubilee fund, i.e. the Zither is getting into the former to stricter parliamentary control.

the Government presented Sitraa law often changes, which can have effects on the fund of the projects implemented by the content in the future. Changes in the law is due to come into force at the year end.

He chairman of the administrative council Antti Lindtman (sd.) tell that Sitraa for the establishment of a separate management board, which may affect the future much more on what the theme on the Zither in their projects focus on.

– Sitra’s role as an independent actor is to be secure, but at the same time has seen the need for parliamentary and comprehensive guidance to strengthen Lindtman design is.

lindtman the changes are intended to ensure that Research activities respond to their needs, that it is the law of the set.

the Zither designed by the law to promote the “Finland’s stable and balanced development”, economic growth and international competitiveness.

ajatuspaja action-oriented Research work, the central themes in recent years have been, inter alia, the circular economy, climate action and regenerative. In these subjects the fund has published a number of surveys, reports and studies.

the Zither also finance the public as businesses and third sector projects that contribute to the assigned objectives.

Lindtman’s own view of the Zither dealt with in the chapters on should be the future current more, for example, social vision.

Katainen will get the power to

in Addition, sitra’s management and leadership system refers more to the present suit. Sitra’s senior management or executive vice president will no longer should be a member of the government, but the government’s management and supervision. Executive vice president of presence and right to speak the board, however, would remain.

This is exported to the Zither administration to the present day. This will clarify the fund’s administration, management and responsibility – and power relations, Lindtman said.

the high commissioner the position of the point is noteworthy, because the ex-prime minister and the commissioner Jyrki Katainen to start the zither of the executive vice president as of January 2020, when the law changes due to come into force.

katainen don’t have office available anymore so much power than its predecessor Mikko Kososella .

Zither government outfit to the exchange

the bill proposed the establishment of a fund for the 13 to 17 members of the management board. Change is big, because the Sitra government council is currently equal to the 9-member parliamentary board of governors.

– the Management board will present the board of governors of the broader parliamentary base, resulting in a zither of position specifically for the parliamentary under player stronger, sees Lindtman.

the New Sitra government council becomes a member number of the parliament’s second largest.

the bill also proposes that the composition of the board would support the relevant expertise to better research the objectives of the control.

– in the Future the board will be more Zither needs and operational field versed in mps, Lindtman look.

the board’s role is to oversee the Zither management and action principles. Now presented changes in the background is the last reign had set the parliamentary working group final report presentations (you move to another service) sitra’s activities to change.

sitra’s supervisory board chairman Antti Lindtman (sd.).Jarno Kuusinen / AOP

he is Also the board’s composition will change. The law change would oblige to take the board selection of members of the better account of the expertise of the needs of the Research projects needs.

lindtman according to this would ensure that the fund the government would live in a better time.

the Fund for a long time the democrats tooth in

Sitra’s operations and in particular its plush money bag has been in recent years, in particular the SDP criticism. The party is presented repeatedly option budget in Sitra transfer of capital from the state budget.

the Zither has accumulated over the years around 800 million euros of capital. The state recapitalized Sitraa the beginning of the 1990s, nokia’s shares, with a favorable course of development to swell the fund of the many ten-fold.

the Zither does not, however, no longer receive state funding. Operations that finance the fund’s basic capital and financial business from the profits.

the Controversy Zither money culminated in may, when the fund proposal, exceptionally, 100 million euros from its balance sheet.

the Zither has been from time to time also in the trade union movement in the tooth. The trade union movement, according to Sitra’s politics and pushed the companies and the employers issue.

employee organisations are mad for Sitra in 2016, when the labor department proposed portfolio the introduction of the service. That unemployed job seekers could go unpaid portfolio for the period to give the prospective employer a picture of competence. Ideas, samples of work were derived from the sitra of.

chairman of the SDP, this year the prime minister of soared Antti Rinne to consider at the time that parliament should take the Zither before tighter political control.

Sitra premises are located in the tower building in Helsinki’s Ruoholahti.Jouko Tapper / Yle

see also:

Jyrki Katainen, the Finnish innovation fund sitra the lead over your head vote

the Zither government proposes 100 million euro decoupling the fund from the balance sheet

”the zither of wealth is not to be used for state expenditure” – Sitraa picked apart the working group to publish its report on Friday

Ay-influences: the Zither playing politics and run businesses and employers to

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