Marcelo Lusardi is a skater and is blind. This young galician lost the vision in 2015 of the night to the morning. The doctors diagnosed him with a Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, a disease that affects the optic nerve and produces a blindness sudden in both eyes.

No he was raised, his life changed completely. This made him fall into a depression from which they managed to get out. And is that the young, medical advice and members of their families, decided to continue with your previous routine. This was no other than to spend the evenings with his skateboard.

There are a lot of people that have problems, is complicated with nonsense and taking into account my experience, may it help you”

Marcelo Lusardi Skater

at The beginning it was difficult to believe that he could be back on all four wheels. But a good day, a friend of his mother, also blind, made him see things in another way. I was taught to use the cane and, in addition, it helped to change their philosophy of life. She, as well as their friends, helped him in this new stage: “What else gives? Bring on the scooter tomorrow and patinamos,” he said.

The road has not been easy, but the strength of will of Lusardi has led him to be one of the best skaters without vision of the country. Your success story is picked up by the film T I have Blind Rider , which helps to motivate other people who are in a similar situation to him. “There are a lot of people that have problems, is complicated with nonsense and taking into account my experience, may it help you”, features in the film.

Your method seems complex, but it helps to be able to do what most motivates you. With the help of his cane, Lusardi examines thoroughly the land on which you plan to skate and it is memorized. But this is not the only of their infallible tactics . Another thing that tends to make typically the of Santiago de Compostela is to feel the ground with their own hands, and, after, to develop a model of it to smaller size with plasticine.

The young man shows his skills in social networking, where its more than 50,000 followers applaud both your courage as their tricks. As her mother says, “the theme of the scooter what is in your heart”, and the same Lusardi has made it clear that “will go with the skateboard under his feet until the end of days”. In his own words: “The skateboard is what I like the most in the world. I fall down on her back or head, I know that I’m doing well. That is, it is like a family. Wherever you go, you’re going to make friends on all sides. It is the best in the world”.

The skateboard is what I like the most in the world. I fall down on her back or head, I know that I’m doing well”

Marcelo Lusardi Skater