the other Day, in the most comprehensive israeli raid, then in the spring, destroyed a number of iranian installations around Damascus, and at least ten iranian revolutionsgardister were killed.

The official, Iran has not commented on the situation, but now gives Vladimir Putin air for their dissatisfaction. Mellanösternexperter brooding intensely over how the Russian president’s message to be interpreted. Mean Putin seriously, or is the warning a gesture to appease the syrian and iranian allies?

so long as Israel does not attack syrian forces and not to shake the syrian regime as Putin has been to stabilise, so can the russians quietly applaud the israeli attacks against iranian targets.

The iranian ambitions in Syria is far-reaching, and Putin knows that if Iran gets set up as it would in the country so Syria is not the stable base he wished to project Russian influence in the region – without a hot spot.

the missile attacks above Damascus, 21 January. Photo: Xinhua

concerning the iranian politics, which also has the support of the US. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who rarely lets a day go by without dramatic speeches on the iranian threat, during the ongoing election campaign would pay attention to Putin and give Iran breathing space is out of the question.

But why, one may ask, then lets Putin his trusted employees Zakharova issue a public warning? When Israel then, do as it pleases put Russia’s limited authority in sharper relief.

Russia is the superpower, but not in this context. Israel has twenty times more combat aircraft in the region than Russia and possibly electronic countermeasures that can put the most modern Russian luftvärnssystemen out of the game.

These Russian systems have not yet being deployed against the israeli plan. If they will be the israeli task more complicated. The risk, for the Russian part, then, is that the systems shows itself unable to guarantee the syrian airspace against israeli violations.

During the cold war struck the israeli and soviet air forces a number of times. In July 1970 shot israeli planes down five soviet planes over The suez canal in a couple of minutes. After the bet Moscow tremendous resources on developing a new air, SAM-6. During the war of October 1973 lost Israel over a hundred planes to the new Russian system.

Iran says ready for ‘decisive battle’ with Israel

Tehran speaks quietly about the losses and do not have much to set against