Nicolás Maduro and the regime’s second-in-command, the far more kapable arméofficeren Diosdado Cabello, explains to his followers that the food which towers at the border crossings to Colombia and Brazil is ”bluffbistånd”.

Their message to hungry subjects is that Venezuela wouldn’t be able to put food on people’s tables, only the external ”blockade” was lifted. The truth is that Venezuela is not at all are in the blockade, but it has no money to buy food, because the treasury is empty and the debts astronomical. Not even China or Russia to grant further credit.

Brazil was a successful schackdrag, pr-wise: If the regime released into matkonvojer would lose face; if it refused, it would, as is now the case, make a hjärtlöst impression on the hungry countrymen and foreign observers.

The inflated hopes of the regime has, not surprisingly, come to naught. Several prominent officers have made headlines when they terminated their loyalty to Maduro. But they attracted attention precisely because they are so few – the corps has remained loyal.

the Venezuelan officers is not similar to neighbouring countries, where the staff are overall tilted to the right and the upper class. After the military coup in april 2002, when president Hugo Chávez lost power for a couple of days and then returned for a thrilling drama, was Venezuela’s new security forces.

the important parts of intelligence. All officers with possible ties to the politically retired and strict ideological sovring, both of officersaspiranter and recruits, took. After the pattern of Venezuela’s close allies Iran was established regimtrogna units outside the regular vapenslagen.

In the longer term appear to be the regime’s situation in despair, but in the short term, it is difficult to see how it would be thrown out of the saddle. The key is not in Latin america, Europe or the united states, but in Beijing and Moscow.

The Russian and chinese credits that have kept the regime alive after the economy collapse 2012 should be huge, but exact figures are not known. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have not decided how to act during the crisis. On the one hand, it is always tempting to view the united states and the EUROPEAN union that they can’t get their way without further ado. They also don’t want to give other allies the impression that China and Russia are throwing in the towel as soon as Washington raises its voice.

there is nothing attractive alternative to comply with the helpless Maduro regime down in the depths. Do you do it, the next regime is unlikely to honesty no debt. Within the venezuelan opposition is disagreement about how the enormous debts, including the betrothed future oil and metal production, to be managed.

Some like to wash their hands of all of Chávez and Maduro liabilities, while others believe that the negotiations with Russia and China on the matter would be able to get Putin and Xi to abandon Maduro. It would surprise if such negotiations are already underway behind the scenes.

China and Russia are the key players. Dispose of the Maduro’s regime’s days are numbered. Which does not mean that this would be enough to get the president to see reason. The inner circle of the ”bolivarianer” sees its task in the same light as the Baath-regime in Syria 2011: To conquer or die.