petäjävesi by mother of five Matleena Ylikoski flush quick baby bottle under the tap. Excess water drains the sink at the bottom of the bowl. Bottle rinse water can be used later even if the porridge boiler washing. The seven spiritual family’s required points and creativity for almost a month lasting water crisis in the middle.
water consumption halved in three primary school and two under school age children has not been easy.
pine tree water of the three water intakes of the majority have been close to low ground water and pollutants. The entire village is summoned to the water savings starting in early October from now on. Residents have been advised to avoid showering and toilet the pull.
– Many things are but to do. We have to wash the laundry, the dishes have dishes to do and a baby’s buttocks should also be washed. We’ve been living everyday life as normally as possible, but to conserve water. All kinds of tricks have been invented, says Matleena Ylikoski.
Ylikoski family had no water waste with in the past. Finns consumed an average of 155 liters of water (you move to another service) daily per capita (Environment knowledgeable). Under normal circumstances, Ylikoski, it is used for the whole family only a little over 300 liters a day. The father of the family Hannes Ylikoski is a measure of a family’s water consumption in the last week accurately.
Washing swallows clearly the most water.
Toilet flush in the big press will take four and a half liters and a small press three liters of water. In the shower, if really fast to spray, it takes twenty liters and baby butt wash in three or four liters of water. Kind of small figures, but that’s the way it accumulates in huge quantities.
drinking water rabbit cans and toilet flushing washing hands with water
Hannes Ylikoski drain the coffee, the necessary water from the canister. Ylikoskeen are applied for drinking and food water throughout the water crisis cans from the municipal water distribution points. Household water consumed twenty liters of kanisterillista day.
puolittamis necessary in addition to the municipalities has been in place for the water the soup calls for the last week. The soup need not Ylikoski family much hampered, as they use the drinking point from the obtained position of water for drinking anyway.
Out to conserve the canister in the water remains cold.
– from the Tap when having drinking water, it should be drained long before it is cold. It can waste a lot of water wasted. So it is always immediately to a suitable cold drink, said Hannes Ylikoski.
the Water trying to skimp on everything. Dishes wash only full loads. The same drinking glasses aim to use as long as possible. Clothes are washed only when I have to. Bush taking a pee in the family is not to be taken, although the mayor is the municipality called enemies.
municipality organized by the water distribution points have been hard bustle.Niko Mannonen / Yle
with a flush is instead developed their very own contraption. Initially, the entire family tried to use the same bathroom and flushed the TOILET only every other time. Then father got a brainwave: he unplugged the bathroom faucet drain pipe and put it in the drain rather than drain to the sink under the plastic bucket. School age kids can now, if necessary, clear the hand-washing water in a bucket the TOILET seat for flushing.
– the craziest thing of All is to use pure drinking water to toilet flushing, says Matleena Ylikoski.
Bathing in the lake water at the beach, in the sauna
Ylikoskeen pack pyyhkeitään and robe into the sauna bag. They have been wash once a week on offer in the beach, in the sauna, where the wash water to bear lake.
the Municipality has issued a sauna free of charge to local residents the use of the water crisis period. Women and men have their own sauna, as well as their piece bath turn all those who wish to the end of the day. The Sauna has been in heavy use.
Matleena Ylikoski waiting for the water to improve the situation of and the family of joint moment in the sauna to your sauna. He would also wash the carpets as well as children’s autumn and winter clothing. In his opinion, in exceptional circumstances, the coping would help the information about when the crisis ends
– Tenacity and sense of humor will end for sure in time. A few times can be a exceptional situation, but if it becomes a permanent state of being, life becomes difficult. Everyday life is already busy and worries, this is just extra load.
pine tree water ylikoski in addition to the 2100 other inhabitants waiting for the water to end the crisis more than christmas. The villagers have been good to pep up the spirit on. The neighbors had not begun in the village to stalk, although not ylikoski’t dare your car start in the yard to wash.
the water crisis has changed ylikoski of attitude towards water consumption permanently.
When is calculated gallons of water with measurements, then surely it will affect the water use will continue. The tap is not forced to count to the fullest. A ten minute shower, you are totally excluded. Although the situation will normalize in due course, so the perception of the water value will be preserved.
Light water pipe
Petäjävesi municipality has been thought frantically of ways to the water crisis to solve. The village has made a new borehole, which is capable of producing a quarter of the pine tree water total water needs. Wells is likely to be introduced in the next two weeks, as long as its water quality is ensured.
Wednesday night on the building board it was also decided to build yhdysvesi tube two and a half miles from Kintaudelta. Pine tree into the water by Kintauden village has its own water cooperative and there has been spared a water crisis. A quarter of the water needs of production of the spare water connection should be ready for board of director Eero Vainio according to a few weeks, if the project goes through the council.
– Relief is an estimated at the end of November, when the borehole and yhdysvesi tube is obtained from the use of, then the water situation again normalizes. There should now be doing to comply with the water puolittamis call, said Vainio.
When the water consumption puolittamis calls were given at the beginning of October, it was at first obediently and consumption was halved. In recent weeks water consumption has, however, been allowed to lapse: consumption has risen to 75%.
water consumption increases, there is a risk of the total water production of the end of the.
Petäjävesi municipality it has been decided to also build a completely new water intake. Its construction start is delayed by however, in February of next summer’s slow permit application process due.
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