Police in north Zealand have made a new arrest in the drabssagen from Rungsted, where a 20-year-old from Norway was killed the previous Saturday, and four of his friends injured by gun shots, stabbings and rear-end.

There is talk about a 21-year-old man, who in the past have been charged in the case.

on Wednesday released police the four men, who had their arrests maintained. The charges are maintained, but there was no basis to apply them in custody.

Sunday 7. april was two men in custody for four weeks in drabssagen. One is charged with murder and attempted murder, while the other was charged with possession of a skarpladt gun, which was found during searches after the arrests Saturday evening and night.

– I can confirm that we have made a new arrest yesterday, and that the person detained be produced in Court in Hillerød at 10 o’clock with application of pre-trial detention. He is to be charged for murder and attempted murder, says efterforskningsleder Mathias Arvidsen.

He may, in the interest of the investigation not provide additional information about the arrest.

the Police will ask in open court; in grundlovsforhøret the sake of the continued investigation.

The 20-year-old, who according to police was related to the now banned gang Loyal to Familia, was shot dead in a suspected clash between two criminal networks from Nivå and Kokkedal.

There had been a controversy between the two groups prior to the collision in Rungsted at 18.03 previous Saturday, where there was used a firearm.

The 20-year-old was killed and a young man got skudlæsioner in both legs, another was the victim of knife wounds and two were injured by probably deliberate rear-end with cars.

the 112 – 7. apr. 2019 – at. 21:09 Two men jailed after skuddrab

The killed the 20-year-old was buried yesterday at the muslim cemetery in Brøndby. It happened after a begravelsesbøn in Al-Hidayah mosque in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen immediately after the islamic.

Then drove begravelsesfølget to Brøndby, where many people were gathered to take leave with 20-year-old.