early elections were confirmed by the municipality during the Wednesday, received notice from the Valprövningsnämnden.

” I have during the afternoon received notice that it will be re-election in the Falun municipality. For more information about this will come tomorrow, Thursday, councillor says Joakim Storck in a press release.

that a selection is not has gone right to the can appeal the result to the Valprövningsnämnden which then makes the decision on whether or not the election has been properly carried out.

A re-election must be held within three months from the decision is announced. In the Falun municipality’s case, it thus occur no later than the beginning of may.

– It is only to start work again for a choice. I have known that there existed a possibility of re-election. I am a little surprised that it was so given that it was on so few votes, ” says oppositionsborgarråd Susanne Norberg (S) to the DT for the news.