Barely have the infected battle within the social democrats put themselves until it is time for the next partibråk in Göteborgspolitiken. On Saturday, choose the Conservatives new leader after outgoing Axel Josefson, who is the new president.

It stands between regionpolitikern Peter Hermansson and member of parliament, David Josefson, both 36 years. Hermansson is the nomination committee’s proposals, but they are not unanimous. Josefson is supported by the Moderate youth league (Muf) and Moderatkvinnorna.

– this process is too hasty and not thoroughly implemented, ” says Sarah Ullmark, Muf’s district.

It is a member of the committee, Simon Hultström, is not called to its first meeting, where Moderatkvinnornas representative, Kristina Tharing, was unable to attend.

Ullmark is also critical that there not been any discussion about the choice of chairman and the nomination committee conducted interviews with the two candidates.

When a new valberedningsmöte, where all seven members participated, vote 5-2 in the Hermanssons favor, but It is and Moderatkvinnornas representatives entered reservations against the decision.

, at an extraordinary meeting of the board in Göteborgsmoderaterna, discussed the issue of reservation would be deleted in the documents to the delegates at the annual meeting, but after a vote had to remain. Critics argue that this is further proof that there has not been a transparent process.

Ullmark says that it is important to show the voters that carries on an active work internally in the party so as to select the leader who the members trust.

– So that there will not be nepotism and cronyism, without the members really have a say, says Ullmark.

in the west of Sweden, Johnny Magnusson, chairman of the committee. He thinks that the matter is a storm in a teacup.

“Seriously, I think this is nonsense,” he says in a comment to Göteborgs-Posten.

According to Magnusson, who is the chairman of the regional council in Västra Götaland, it was a mistake from the Research office, which meant that the youth league’s representative is not called to the first meeting. He says that he several times apologized for this. The criticism that the candidates have not been interviewed, he debunks with him for several years worked together with both Peter Hermansson and David Josefsson and know them well. He also stressed that the nomination committee is a clear majority to propose Hermansson.

and the stresses in turn that he has the support of the committee from all four moderatföreningars representatives.

He would not comment on the committee’s work and think that the picture of the battle and the power struggle that is now painted up is excessive.

– It is sad that it has become such a media circus around this, and I did not feel that there is some strife in the party. To it then there are some who support David (Josefsson), it is completely natural. I have only good things to say about him, ” says Hermansson and adds that he has been called up by the members who wondered what this battle is all about and that he had a hard time to explain this.

He believes that the criticism mainly comes from Muf.

“I myself have been a member of the youth league and I know that you usually like to stir the pot,” says Hermansson.

did a lousy choice in the fall, but the result was partly overshadowed on the basis of the Socialist crisis and to the Alliance by entering into a valteknisk interaction with the rödgrönrosa (without the S) managed to take power in the municipality.

Hermansson says that given the work that the party has in front of him to get back to the fight around the chair untimely.

And this is not a crossroads for the party, purely political, but about how we should be organized, ” he says.

” I think not really, not more than elsewhere in the country. The difference is perhaps that it manages it more internally. At the same time, I think it is good that politicians in a party have different views, ” says Hermansson, who believe themselves to have an advantage in the ordförandekampen.

given the Conservatives the election results is important to carefully review what changes need to be made.

– It is now that we lay the foundation for the results of the election in 2022 and where it is required, perhaps to make certain changes in leadership and policy development, but also on how it works internally. This is not a good time to mess with each other, says Ullmark, who believe that it will be a tied vote.

– It is 163 a representative to cast their votes and I would say that it is completely impossible to predict the result, says Ullmark.

the DN has searched Johnny Magnusson for comment.