the Trend toward a cashless Sweden is continuing at an increasing pace, and now shows the report ”Sweden pay” from the Insight Intelligence that the trend is broken through in almost all markets.

– One important reason is that there are simple, användarvändliga solutions for virtually all situations where previously the use of cash, ” says Niklas Arvidsson, associate professor in industrial dynamics at KTH, who contributed to the report.

that also markets and garage sales, which have been two of the kontanthandelns last and strongest mounts, also becomes more and more digitized.

In last year’s survey, dominated the cash yet, but this year is apps the most common means of payment and, 62 percent of respondents prefer to pay the mobile in front of the cash or other things at a flea market and markets.

The mobile payment methods achieve similar success in the country’s parking spaces, 62% of respondents said that they prefer to pay for their parking through the app.

that a majority of swedes are convinced about the direction in which the cashless society is on the way. Three out of four say that they believe that Sweden is or will become a cashless society.

Today, used cash in 18 per cent of the payments which are made in store and the percentage decreases with each year. Niklas Arvidsson believe that cash will remain as a phenomenon, to use various now and 2030, but to the practical use försivnner much earlier.

” Then it’s a matter of four to five years before the cash ends be used on a daily basis. Possibly some konsumtenter and traders continue but development is moving quickly, ” he says.

is not uniformly appreciated. Every second is positive, there is more and more cashless society, but the support differs between age groups; among older respondents is only 37% in favour, while the corresponding proportion among the young is 64%.

at the same time, mobile payments more and more omfamnats even in the older age groups. This is partly due to the generally large interest in technology, but also on the service all the lower thresholds, think Niklas Arvidsson.

” I think the simplicity has been of the utmost importance, it must not be too complicated. If it goes wrong many times in the beginning will be the threshold just higher and higher. Many will probably also uppmäuntran and help from friends and children, ” he says.

the Survey is based on responses from 1,000 swedes aged 16 to 74 years who participated in one of Sifo randomly recruited web panel.