Stevo Pendarovski led in the polls for the election, and with approximately 80 per cent of the votes counted ports Pendarovski at 42.6 percent, according to the country’s electoral commission. His chief opponent Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova may, at 41.9 per cent of the votes.

Blerim Reka, candidate for the Besa representing the Albanian minority in the country and is the fourth largest party in parliament, may, in turn, 11,5% in aid.

from Macedonia to Nordmakedonien, after a two decades long battle with Greece, and the infected issue of the name has played a major role even before the presidential election, in which the main candidates stood on each side.

the Settlement with the neighboring country continues to divide residents and has blocked other issues ahead of the elections, where the 1.8 million eligible voters had to choose between the three candidates.

the Turnout was as expected, low and landed at around 39 percent. In the decisive round have the participation of over 40% for the result to be valid.

of the reigning social democrats, who have promised to stand by the name change. His successors Siljanovska-Davkova is supported by the conservative and nationalist VMRO-DPMNE, a party that strongly opposed the namnuppgörelsen with Athens.

Because no one candidate receives over 50 per cent await a second round of voting on 5 may. The incumbent president Gjorge Ivanov may not be a candidate for a third term.

Read more: After long namnkonflikten – now changed gränsskyltarna out