The first of January 2019 enters a long series of new laws, changes in legislation and regulations in force. In total there are over 70 ”major laws and regulations” as listed by the government. Here is a selection:

One of the most talked about the amendments is that the tv license scrapped and replaced by an individual public service fee. All over the age of 18 years must pay 1 percent of their taxable income up to a ceiling. The maximum limit of the lands of 1,300 kroner a year, which means that a family with two adults may have to pay more than 2,600 per year.

in the Past, every household with a tv or radio paid 2.400 sek per year for a tv license.

If you get sick, you get no compensation for the first day of your sick leave. This qualifying day will be replaced from 1 January by a karensavdrag which amounts to 20% of an average veckoersättning in the form of sick pay. The purpose is that compensation levels should be more equitable, for example, for those who have irregular working hours and would have worked for a long time when they became sick.

another change related to health care is that dental care from 2019 will be free until the year you turn 23 years old.

in Addition, it reinforces the care guarantee in primary care. The patient now has the right to, within three days, obtain a medical assessment by a physician or other licensed health – care professionals – instead of, as previously, within seven days, visit a doctor.

In the Swedish gaming market opens the next years introduced a new spellag which means that it requires a gaming license, and all companies must pay 18% tax on gaming surplus. With the license undertakes the gaming companies to adhere to certain rules: It will require that all players register, the companies will work to prevent gambling addiction and the advertisement must be moderate and must not target children and young people under the age of 18, nor directly to a player that closed itself from the game.

From 2019 made a change in the animal protection act. It will be prohibited to move around and in conjunction with the exhibit, elephants and sea lions in public, for example in the circus.

From January 2019 introduces a stronger protection for transgender people in and with an amendment in the penal code. The amendment means that the basis of transgender identity or expression is added to the offence of incitement to racial hatred.

A requirement that the place in or in connection with an election or röstningslokal where the ballot paper is placed shall be shielded from view from other constituents. The aim is to further strengthen the protection of the would and reduce the risk that the voters are subjected to undue influence in connection with the voting.