Klimaspørsmålet and growing inequality are two of the most important challenges we are facing. Therefore, they have the last årskonferansene in the confederation of Norwegian enterprise in a large extent was about just this.

the Climate was the main theme in 2017 and we are working systematically to develop new proposals for solutions. In 2018 was the theme: How do we get as many people as possible in the job?. We all know that nothing creates greater differences than when people fall out of the labour market. It is therefore surprising that the socialist left Kari Elisabeth Kaski in the Newspaper 17. January attacker just these points.

annual conference 2019, “We and the world”, was about the major global challenges we are facing, how they hit the Uk, and how we as a country choose to face this.

Also this time was the climate and the inequality theme for the keynote speakers from the confederation of Norwegian enterprise and other. Nevertheless, Kaski right in that trade was the main theme this time. This is because trading lay the basis for workplaces the country over, and that again is important for the welfare state we all set such price on.

Now I’m mighty tired of being cheated Comment

Kaski pulls out a measurement from the Sentio in the class struggle which showed that 40 per cent of the population believe that those who are growing up today, will get a more difficult economic future. We believe that safe working is the answer to this. And, there is no way to adopt multiple jobs, they must be created. Kaski says she is for trade, but in practice, she says no when she will scrutinize the main handelsavtalen we have the EEA-agreement.

in the Fall of 2018 la NHO forward R perspektivmelding “World and us”, where we presented a descriptively picture of the most important global trends, how they hit the Uk and what it means for jobbskapingen in the years to come. In the message is given an entire chapter, the challenges related to increasing inequality, and the relationship between economic growth and small differences. Climate change pervades also this message, and it states that this is the very biggest challenges of our time.

But it is an important the difference between the SV and the confederation of Norwegian enterprise. SV pretends to believe that increased taxes and fees for businesses will solve the problem of increased inequality. We believe that the more difficult conditions for Norwegian companies, compared to other countries, will affect both the jobs, the welfare, and thus distribution.

The yellow vestene in Paris is a warning, also to the Norwegian politicians Debate

On klimaområdet think NHO that it is important to stimulate companies to add on to climate-friendly solutions. Polluter should pay, but it is very important that klimaavgiftene go to a CO₂-fund that can finance both new technology and ensure that the solutions easier can be taken in use. Here is the new technology for carbon capture one of the most important. This reduces the klimaproblemene at the same time as it creates value and jobs for all of us.

At this point, it is nice to see that SV and NHO agree. Maybe it means that we have to cooperate across dividing lines if we are to solve the major challenges we jointly face, in order to preserve the same community we’re trying to take care of.