NEW YORK (Dagbladet):

If the wind is blowing harder here in this small town a couple of chorus from Springsteen’s New Jersey? Yep. If it gufser from The white lunatic asylum? Of course. Know the such as valgfaget now is the united STATES expert where the last census, among Norwegian journalists, shows that the closer 5503 men, hen and women call themselves just that.

But, that is about the us wind, and not about the old Sanders. A kind of blanket of air currents hauls itself along the skyskraperveggene. The bust, of course, from the subwayen and up in the streets. I freeze not, but it makes the very many homeless people. The full moon promised to hang over the East Village. Wandering towards the Central Park where I am being asked by a youth, who sold homemade rap, if I liked black people. Ports a little irritated at Columbus Circle. Like that was the last also.

But, perhaps against Harlem to see a photo exhibition, “A life in the World: Bearing Witness With a Camera From the South Side of Chicago two South Africa”, photographs taken by Ozier Muhammad (68). He is grandsønn to Elijah Muhammad who was one of the founders of the Nation of Islam, those who in the time was often in the news. Black Power a lot of thanks to Malcolm X and boxer of all tungvektspoeter,Muhammad Ali.

Earlier on breakfast TV, it was bablet long that it bikkjekaldt (Doggy cold – just kidding) in Boston and Chicago, while it is hot in Key West. The snow and the cold on the way to New York again also. The presenters ate, by the way, dinner before at 08.00, but they didn’t mention the world cup at the skiing? What? Not Crosscountry & western?

On the plane, it was by the way full with excited norwegians who were going on vacation. We greeted a musician, songwriter and singer, Malin Pettersen. She was on the way to Nashville to act as Malin Petterson, and maybe get a price for fjorårsdebuten within soloartistlivet, “References Pt. 1”.

Sitting plustelig at a cafe. Read the New York Times, founder acute an old-fashioned telegrambyrå for papirfolket, ENJOY (b) – New York Telegram (agency) announces the following:two films at the Film Society Lincoln center, the Polish “Cold War” (nominated for an Oscar handed out Sunday) and “Shoplifters”. the

Read about Earl Shuman who was 95 years of age. He wrote in his time some lyrics that was recorded by Patsy Cline, Meetloaf and Mountain. A comprehensive minneord about the temple and poet Dudley Randall in 1965 founded the Broadside Press in which he published around 200 different writers in the circle around the Detroit’s Black Arts Movement. Like black people? Tufs.

a straightforward review of a musical based on the Peter Noon from Hermanís Hermits and an insightful interview with the two first techmillardærene in Australia for more than bunnlinja. Jazz, rock and opera ? Yes, we are supposed to be here for so long that we reach a delayed night bus to The A Train.