Oh, January. This institutionalized the opportunity for a better me. At this point is a part of us inside in the second half of this year the white month, the other has stopped drinking for good. Others have stopped smoking, for it is foolish or to in time to fend off the feeling of total futility with outdoor cafes (only soldiers, ”adventurers”, and the kindergarten children eat outdoors) when in the summer will not be allowed to smoke there. Some stop eating meat, and sugar, not to include the e-number, start fasting, walk briskly, lift gjutjärnsgrejer. Now a great deal more organic vegetables and fewer fläskfiléer from Denmark.

But January 2019 is no ordinary January. The tillnyktring that takes place this time will be for the many, as the media puts it when you guess the number game, more comprehensive than ever before and in more areas. It is not enough to see to their own body, let alone that the ”environment” sometimes piggybacking on a temporary mikroförändring of one’s way of life.

with bed sores twists and turns we now at ourselves, beginning to fiddle in layer after layer of nonsense that we often without taking a why has put on us. The life of small superstructures, which proved to be the fat bad things; for ourselves, our social get-togethers or for the planet. Activities that we have devoted ourselves to others have done it, in an eternal circle. That is to say, the consumption, in the broad sense of the word. How have we been able to let it go so far? you can ask. Because we are independent as cattle, can answer. Or as a spokesperson for the shopping center Nacka Forum put it in the radio when the introduction of car parking charges in its garage would be enforced: ”I actually think that you are prepared to pay for the shopping experience that we have developed.” Absolutely right, she had.

But after ten years of the smartphone-complete is now in question how intelligent it was, really ( read by Kristofer Ahlstrom’s article in DN Culture 17/1) and more install apps in order to prevent themselves from the use of, yes, apps. Others get dumtelefoner that it would be 2007. Air travel is soon to be a amoral cloth, fewer will be happily waving the home from a grisfest in Thailand in a social medieapp that fewer are watching. The wine has begun to question, not for the alcohol but for the crap that is suspected of having been ground down in the bottles that have to be transported here with internal combustion engines. More points on the fashion industry as the environmental villain, it starts to go bad for the old prestigemärken and don’t go it’s well better after that mrs. Trump wore a Burberrykappa and Hérmesväska during a state visit in november. And the use of the car. And the meat. And lägenhetsrenoverandet. And the roasting about the summer? Possessions whatsoever? Books, clothes, gadgets, discs, screens, kitchen equipment?

down the more or less parts of the consumption will be no small conversion. Likely requires the talents that perhaps only Homo gustavus possess, vasaloppsmänniskan in everyday speech. The obstinate type with insane eyes fixed on a target abstract for many miles, until able to find satisfaction only in his music.

We others, simple minds and blekfisar, all of which are somewhere after adolescence suddenly no longer understood the value of the physical challenges, we must find other techniques.

the Couch is the answer. An inconceivable notion for many in the day, which has seen the divan for tv-serietittande. But to sit up in a couch, his own or those of others, and talk with people is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly things you can do. And the nicest. It will be the couch potato’s who saves the world.

Read more chronicles of Niklas Wahllöf.