In the next few days, CNN reported that a rekordbaby come home to their parents. He was born in Tokyo in August last year and weighed then less than 270 grams, ”little more than a grapefruit”. On a intensivvårdsenhet linked he to the breathing equipment is needed, and catheters. When he was discharged on 20 February he weighed 3,2 kg, a more normal babyvikt.

for early-born children have made great progress. Today, surviving infants for only a few decades ago would have been no chance. It is gratifying. But it can also be ethically problematic side effects.

Veckospannet shrinks between the late aborted fetuses and extremely premature babies children with good opportunities to survive. Already now the technical development has progressed far and there is talk of the possibility that the use of ”artificial wombs”.

as a fear that these achievements can also serve as arguments, or, if you want a pretext, for the groups which for religious or political reasons are opposed to the current abortion law. You can, in particular, fear that the requirements may be formulated on the advance deadline or stricter authorisation criteria for the so-called ”late-term abortions”. It is then usually whether the fetus with serious injuries, but also other criteria are applied. The ”late” abortion, however, is get.

In Sweden, we apply the free abortion until the 18th ”week of pregnancy”. After the required permission of the national Board of legal advice. There must be ”serious reasons” to aborten shall be granted, and, says the law, permission shall not be given if there is reason to assume that the fetus is viable”.

It is not unlikely that it is around this proposal, it can be a polarizing debate.

”viable,” that is the crux of the matter. The far boundary of ”late” abortions in Sweden of practice 22 completed havandeskapsveckor. But if at the same time it is born, or will be born, children that are near the border and survive? How will a late abortion then be reconciled with the requirement that no ”viable” fetus may are aborted?

It is the dilemma, and the risk that it may be resolved with a shrinking window of time for these abortions, which received the State’s medical-ethical advice, Direction, to propose changes in the law on abortion. The proposals were presented on Thursday in a report and in an article in DN Debate.

at the side of a number of measures with the aim to reduce the number of late-term abortions replace the problematic concept of ”viable” with a fixed upper limit. It is also proposed that the government allow the health board to investigate whether women who undergo late-term abortions should also be offered ”feticid”. It is not unlikely that it is around this particular proposal it may come to be a polarizing debate.

the Concept is composed of the Latin word for ”offspring” or ”foster” and ”murder”. But, provided you are not opposed to abortion in itself is the word far more dramatically than the phenomenon as such.

risk, small but, however, for that late-aborted fetus can show signs of life after complete abortprocess. Should the current or future advanced medical technology to be deployed to rescue them to life?

It is a good ambition to minimise the risk of the issue to the fore, hence the proposal of ”feticid”, that is to say, the possibility that the face of aborten inject a drug get the fetal heartbeat to stop. From all reasonable points of view, it should be seen as an integral part of the aborten. The ability to offer feticid should, therefore, as well as Smers other proposals, are discussed seriously and dispassionately.