OMMUNISTER IS not to be trusted. Especially not when it comes to santa claus. The class struggle has made it very large. Since we know minimal about the newspaper’s internal life, it has also been unknown to us that the editorial staff has a tradition of inviting celebrities from the outside to dress up as santa claus and pass out the aquavit to the employees. This year, they chose to ask Per Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes about to do this job.
THEY SAID of COURSE yes, they do the anything to get attention. And they need it, if they are to get up to speed on the boksalget before christmas. According to reports in the media have memoirs of their hitherto struggled hard to get over the threshold, so to speak. That is how the book market, full of books as both author and publishers think is fun, but no buyer yet.
BUT ENOUGH ABOUT it. Here is the talk about santa claus. Every child knows that you can’t put on anyone a red topplue and beard, and claim that it is the man from the north Pole. For many, santa claus is a sacred figure, as not only can tulles with. Should you be santa claus, one must behave as a santa. It means that you need to be ukjennelig that those who receive the gifts, do not realize who it is. And at the same time so pleasant that one is to believe. For example, there is an end to the days when father went out for a walk to buy smoke, and while he was gone, appeared the daemon up. The kids realize it is there.
YOU MUST COLLECT a santa from the outside. A they haven’t seen before, that stands for the most skeptical scrutiny. Per Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes has no such qualifications. You should have drunk quite a lot of aquavit to not understand who they are. Children do not drink, but they will be happy to believe in santa claus. Even though they know that he does not exist. This is the human. They need simply something to believe in. A need the people in the class struggle should recognize. If there is someone who resembles santa claus, is it the Karl Marx. In contrast to both Per Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes.