prime Minister Erna Solberg had yesterday its semi-annual summary conference. As usual consists the session of that Solberg himself points out the issues she believes the government has succeeded well in the six months that have passed. In addition, she points a little forward, and tells what she thinks about the further political development. A little to answer critics and commentators, a bit to signal to the surrounding world what she believes are the major lines of the government’s work. Erna Solberg uses these opportunities to take a grip on the storytelling around the regjeringsprosjektet, and yesterday she told how to run the show is going to be tighter in a possible new majority rule next year.

It will show about the switch to. Not just about the negotiations between the Right, the progress party, KrF and the Left succeed, but if a majority rule will be easier to handle for the prime minister. She believes that a majority rule will create more stability, but it is not at all certain. Solberg pulled out that one of the previous, bourgeois flertallsregjeringene, the government Borten, who had over 30 dissenser. This should not be a dissensregjering, ” said Solberg – and pointed out that her government until now only have had one – about the united nations migrasjonsplattform.

But it does not that it has been quiet around Solbergregjeringen. The four parties in the same government have very diverging views on important issues like immigration, climate/environment and family policy. Solberg has cultivated a patience for solospill both in and outside the government, the so-called “solbergske parlamentarismen”. Some boast of this, and call it a smart styringsstrategi. But it is also difficult to manage, with the risk of it slipping out. How to collect the troops, when they are used to being free range?

the Government’s gradebook: Few peaks and many flops Comment

Solberg drew even up ulvevedtaket this week, a difficult case that was rooted in the Parliament. Such anchoring will there be more of, ” said the prime minister. For it cannot be the case that the Parliament do not follow the flertallsregjeringens decision. But the same ulvevedtaket met with resistance. Member of parliament Ulf Leirstein (Frp) said to Aftenposten: “This is a compromise made in government, not in Parliament. It is silly to take Parliamentary support for granted.” Something tells us that an eventual majority rule will get problems in the Parliament. We wrote on the kommentarplass yesterday that the human considerations are the reason to wish the prime minister a quiet, peaceful christmas. We repeat the message.

Hareide is the most popular taper. Solberg is this year’s least popular winner Comment