Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier meets on Thursday, the Frankfurt lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz, which has received several Drohschreiben with the signature “NSU 2.0”. A spokeswoman for the Federal President confirmed on Wednesday in Berlin, a report of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. The conversation will be confidential.

The Meeting is planned to be visit in the framework of Frankfurt, which had been agreed by the spokesperson that prior to the investigations against the Frankfurt police. After the first Drohschreiben to Basay-Yildiz a presumed right of extreme network in the Frankfurt police, had been uncovered.

Seda Basay-Yildiz has in the meantime received four threatening letters

The lawyer had been received in the past few months, a total of four Drohschreiben with invective and death threats against family members. On the fourth Drohschreiben the Prosecutor’s office was informed on Tuesday. Basay-Yildiz had represented in the Munich NSU process a victim’s family as a plaintiff, and in two other methods of alleged Islamist terrorists defended.

In the Write private data, on which only the authorities have to had been. The investigation had revealed that, immediately before the first Fax to a Computer 1. Frankfurt police station has been a corresponding query without a cause made. In this context, five in Frankfurt and Marburg policeman blown, exchanged via a Messenger chat group right-wing extremist content. The officials have been suspended from service.

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“NSU 2.0” of New, threatening letter against Frankfurt lawyer

Frank Jansen

Federal President of Germany Steinmeier meets with his visit to Frankfurt on Thursday, police officers and representatives of police authorities, visited the integrating means “office Girls Milena”and invites in the afternoon, citizens of a coffee table. A theme is supposed to be living together in a large international city with many immigrants. Frankfurt am Main stand exemplary for a positive, but also challenging developments in large cities, – stated in the message of the Federal President. (epd)