Earlier this week, the Echo reveal that female priests who take calls on the helpline on-Call priest subjected to sexual harassment by those who call.
According to Vibeke Hammarström, federal director of the union Church, on the one hand, if the conversation with sexual elements, könsord and panting, and calls where the caller is looking to violate the female priest because she is a woman.
tell that similar call is made to the non-profit helplines. A co-worker who heard of us via e-mail tells us that the men sitting in the doctor on call sometimes happens sexsamtal from other men.
”However, even JM, a large proportion of such sexsamtal from the men who call in to the female on duty, which is a huge problem,” continues the employee.
other employees testify to the same kind of conversation. According to her concerns many times about cases where the caller has ”sexual tic”.
”In my group we talked about this and come to the conclusion that we will not accept to be treated as objects of his sexual fantasies, etc.,” write hen.
in contact with the helplines. The association’s representatives wish to remain anonymous due to all involved in the hotline, but they confirm that they receive the same type of calls the on-Call priest.
”Around nine per cent of all calls to the helplines are in one way or another so-called sexsamtal”, they write.
According to the association, it can be difficult to draw the line when it comes to the person has a sex addiction; when it is about the person’s problems with their sexuality, when the sexual frustration due to loneliness and when it comes to pure sexual harassment.
that some of the calls are made at the same time as inringaren masturbating, and that the association then recommend their volunteers to end the call firmly and in as dignified a manner as possible. A volunteer who is subjected to harassment in a conversation can also be supported.
”We offer assistance, including in the form of conversation at our group meetings. We are now trying to be clear about this at the training of new volunteers,” writes the association.
at the same time, the association wants to point out that at their meetings does not discuss the specific people who contacted the helpline, but the very fact of the subject sexsamtal and how to address such overall.
Read more: on-Call priests are victims of sexual harassment