the national coalition party chairman of the Petteri Orphan told me that he discussed the former government partner Juha Sipilä (kesk.) with Antti Rinne (sd.) disclosure of government courtship of.

the Orphan said Sipilä assured him that the information is untrue.

– in fact, I would have worked this way, but let’s see what the truth is. I met the former prime minister Sipilä briefly, and he said, that the slope of the story is not true, the Orphan told.

the Prime minister Antti Rinne told reporters on Thursday published his biography, that his predecessor Juha Sipilä had asked the social democrats, the willingness of the government in the summer of 2017.

the slope of this would have happened in a secret meeting in Suomi arena in Pori, finland.

the Reason was the center and a coalition of hard-escalated the controversy sote-reform. The coalition would have been kicked out of the government, and the democrats would have gone to the farm.

the Slope tell you that he discussed the SDP of the former president with the Finnish offer and decided then to reject it.

Sipilä: the board window was open just a PS:no break in a

tight-lipped Juha Sipilä denies the Slope report. He comment first via email, and later repeated the same reporters in parliament.

“the government window” was last season, open only once. It happens, the finns broke the connection in June 2017. When the government responsibility was discussed often party with. Nothing the government offers is not to make anyone of these discussions outside. Contact course, I like the opposition and I met with the Slope several times. I consider it necessary.”

the Orphan finds a story that sounds very frustrating, because such movements do not add in any way to policy, credibility and reliability.

– I think it is very special, if this is true, what does Slope tell you. I don’t remember a similar political history with my knowledge. The prime minister’s party planning päähallitus partner behind the back of the board composition change.

a Former government partner feel really, really bad idea, that this way would work. I hope that this is not true, the Orphan said.

Orphan: provincial administration incentive Sipilä action

the Orphan considers the centre to be of great concern to the provincial administration to go forward, that it was ready to sell the government base.

the Orphan, this would probably have resulted in changes to the then government’s economic and employment policy.

– the national Coalition party was the Finnish government in the serious intentions involved. We were committed to reforms and painful cuts, penetrations, and their defense in order, even though it wasn’t very nice. Because Finland had to get ahead, an Orphan found.

the Orphan criticizes the center of the coat translation.

– Now the centre drive further provincial administration to the slope of the board, and have turned to perfectly coat the economic and employment policy. It would therefore be quite logical continuum.

Orphan: the Prime minister’s focus on management instead of books

the Current prime minister’s book argues that the debate at the time sote was pouring the coalition to drive freedom of choice.

This would have frustrated the Finnish to think of other options, the government partner.

If I remember correctly, freedom of choice legislation was received then a fine round of constitutional committees, and schedules were stretched. Nevertheless, what surprised me is, if this is the case, what is the Slope in his book telling.

the Orphan admits, however, that negotiations sote of the stricken party, and the center between the offer at the time.

the Coalition does not, however negotiations with other parties cooperation.

we Were committed to government work, even though it was hard, too, an Orphan, said.

the Orphan throw finally, spike Antti Slope direction: the Prime minister could focus on the country’s leadership in book publishing, rather than, as today, has become bad news for the Finnish economy.

Read more:

Analysis: Antti Rinne fights for the coalition of economic hegemony and take the spd a couple of points to the left

Sipilä asked SDP:this secret meeting of the government – Slope told the new paper that got the party by the deadline of healing him soon

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