justice, solidarity, security – with these terms the Green juggling-Chairman Anna Lena Baerbock, and Robert Habeck for their work on the new principle of the program. The two party leaders want to not only strengthen the “promise of a guarantee of the social state”, but also in environmental policy more on the “social compensation”. After the financial crisis and decades of an “exaggerated faith in the Market” need, it is also “clear rules” so that markets and competition work “, and in the social interest”.
this Friday Baerbock and Habeck on a Convention and an interim report to the principle-program to be up to the autumn of 2020. The last program dates back to the year 2002, at that time, the eco-ruled with the social Democrats in the Federal government. The Green self-strong emphasis on the Social. It is also a fight announcement to the SPD, which ends up in the polls for a while behind the green competition.
to designate the beginning of the 68-page interim report of the Green values-the heads of the reason, the green policy is to define: Ecology, justice, self-determination, democracy and peace. “This Foundation forms the basis for a solidary society in which the freedom of the Individual unfolds in the respect for the Dignity and freedom of others”.
In the social policy Habeck had set the SPD in the last summer, under pressure to act, as he announced that the time had gone on Hartz IV. In the paper he is presenting now with Baerbock, he took up this thought again: “We want to overcome Hartz IV and a warranty backup create,” he promises. For the long-term unemployed there is going to be more money than before, in addition, the sanctions will be lifted. The new power will be granted depending on income, assets, and needs, but is otherwise unconditional.
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climate and social duties are as follows
the Attention is likely to be read in the SPD, but also the passages in which it comes to regulation in the age of globalization. Self-aware of the Green formulate your claim – neither back to “the national soil”, yet everything to the free forces game left – but: “We want to go a third way, and the rules in the global Arena.” You know, you write that this way would prevail against the “powerful interests” and not Reform of any let immediately on a global level a reality. But when you try to move forward, you want to make a search of “like-minded” and “allies of various kinds”.
Concrete claims in this Chapter about the introduction of a financial transaction tax, or of climate and social duties. So it is possible that ambitious climate protection standards and to prevent at the same time that it come to competition through dirty imports or to relocate production facilities.
“Ecological politics because of social justice”
But also in the environmental policy, the Green-heads of the Social. The ecological change, standing sometimes in the short term, in contradiction to the social question, the party leaders. At the same time the Poorest, most under the dirty air suffered today, withered soil and highly contaminated water. “We make environmental policy because of social justice”, they write. Your promise is this: nature conservation, a gain in quality of life and prosperity for the people is not first of all to the nature’s sake, but because of it. The Greens also want to include those more strongly affected by environmental change, be it the exit strategy from Coal, or the conversion of the car industry. “Big changes create for many people, uncertainty, and cannot be simply prescribed,” it says.