the Government’s case, after the palestinian public pushed Fatah and Abbas to a substantial retreat: the new health insurance authority that the regime wanted to establish skrinläggs. During the several months of demonstrations raged against the new fee regime put on all wage and salary earners.

People don’t believe that they paid the money will be managed and repaid as social support. A general view is that the reform was a panikåtgärd by the regime to cover kassabristen after Donald Trump’s dramatic cuts in U.S. aid.

and Fatahs leading policymakers want to now let the prime minister Hamdallah bearing the brunt of the failure, so that the party’s reputation can recover. Abbas would ideally like to allow Hamdallah to form the next government.

Mahmoud Abbas. Photo: Majdi Mohammed/AP

Hamdallah was hand-picked at their time of Abbas, not for their betydelses sake, but for their powerlessness. Hamdallah, a professor of English, was replaced by Salam Fayad, a bold and incorrupt politicians. Fayad got a lot done and scared the Fatahs establishment with its fight against corruption. 2013 forced the party’s central committee Abbas to kick Fayad.

and learned during his years at the top, and has with time gained a own influence. A former minister, said to the Swedish newspaper dagens nyheter in december:

– Dinosaurerna in Fatah are afraid that Hamdallah is to sail up as a competitor.

All of The west bank’s policy revolves around the power struggle after Abbas. Different factions of Fatah-the party is already in the starting blocks. The main potential successors to Abbas are: former underrättelsechefen Jibril Rajoub; Salam Fayad; the current underrättelsechefen Majed Faraj and the mayor of Nablus Mahmoud al-Aloul, who is Abbas near.

was the palestinian-american medicine-magnate Adnan Mjalli, but after a bomb was thrown at his Mercedes in november, it looks as if he has lost the desire.

None of the inclined would, however, take over already, now, as the economic vargatider that are ahead will make the head of the government at any time unpopular. Fatah veterans to place their own puppet as prime minister while they are waiting for Abbas leaving, while Abbas wants to retain its faithful Hamdallah.