on Wednesday morning, a pedestrian has been hit by a car on the island of Møn and is on the way to the hospital.

– It is a pedestrian who is left out in front of a car. He is under a police escort on the way to the university hospital, but I don’t know what he has come to, say vagtchef Henrik Karlsen from Sydsjællands and Lollands-Falster Police.

the Message is that he is at 7.40 – a good two hours after the accident – still on the way to the hospital, but the ambulance is stuck in morning traffic around Copenhagen.

The victim is a man in the beginning of the 70’s from the local area, and the police have not yet been in contact with the family.

After the accident is Kostervej blocked in both directions, while being examined. Police and emergency personnel are on the spot, like a bilinspektør is on the way.

the Accident happened just after the bridge from Sjælland.

– It is the main thoroughfare on the island of Møn, so all to and departure from the island of Møn to Zealand go down that road, says vagtchefen.

He expects to Kostervej going to be blocked at least for the at 7.30.

On Twitter guides police to omkøring via Pejdervej and Grønsundvej.

Police and emergency personnel are on site. Photo: Per Rasmussen.

At 7.40 reads the message from the Sydsjællands and Lolland-Falster Police, that the drivers can again pass the scene of the accident.

– We have opened on the way that you can pass, but you are directed and must pass the spot with caution, says Henrik Karlsen.