“The Spain early bird”, “Gibraltar Spanish”, “The cathedral —not a mosque— Córdoba”, “el cortijo Susana Diaz”, “hell tax” of Pedro Sanchez, the “friend of the coup leaders”… Are phrases repeated, with the timing of a chorus, in the recent campaign rallies for the PP and Vox. Both use identical words to be —“without complexes”— and appeal to the same electorate in the major fishing grounds of the country: Andalusia.

MORE INFORMATION “We need to connect with Spanish flags on balconies” and other phrases of Paul Married

last Tuesday, in Cordoba, Vox made a new demonstration of force: drew nearly a thousand people in a rally. There was No need to hand out flags of Spain. The members carried in the flaps, on the wrists, on the belts, layer mode, apron… Represent a percentage yet to be determined —the polls will say so— of that “Spain of the balconies” which tends to appeal to the leader of the PP, Paul Married to, or to the early bird, a slogan used Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Front in the presidential election in France in 2012, and who had previously used the former French Nicolas Sarkozy. The public went crazy when the representatives of Vox entered the pace, at full volume, That viva España from Manolo Escobar. Before had sounded Miguel Rivers, Coque Malla and g Men.

Many of the attendees of the rally, Vox had not been mobilized by an oiled machine of elections, like the one that has the PP, but by “the rage and the rebellion”, words repeated in his speeches. “I have not seen another one like it. Year and a half ago we met in a bar in Cordoba. We were 12,” says Alejandro Hernandez, provincial nominee. Among the audience there were more young people who tend to be seen in the actions of the PP and the representatives of Vox appealed directly “to the 15-M”: these young “rebels” who “betrayed communism bolivarian” (in reference to we Can).

There is majority of men. Another of the ideas of his campaign is the war on what they called a “coven of gender”. Your program proposes to repeal the law against male violence and closing the Women’s Institute. Its candidate for the Junta de Andalucía is the exjuez Francisco Serrano, who wrote a book entitled precisely, The dictatorship of gender, contrary to the law.

These are some of the similarities and differences between the campaigns of the PP and Vox:

Catalonia and the State model. Both the PP and Vox talk about “coup,” and presented to Peter Sanchez as a puppet of the separatists that has yielded to the blackmail and governs by “enemies of Spain”. Married compared in a rally to the yellow stars used by the nazis to mark the jews with the snares of independence. Both parties advocate for the 155 in Catalonia without a time limit is fixed, and outlaw parties that had seceded. Vox goes further, ensures that the autonomous is “a failed State” and calls for the abolition of the autonomies. One of the differences with the PP is the profile anti-establishment. Asked about the contradiction that is supposed to propose to abolish the regions and submitted to a few regional elections, the secretary-general, Javier Ortega, says: “We understand that we have to give the battle from the institutions. We’re going to the Junta de Andalucia to close the regional government of Andalusia. From the outside you can’t change things.” The PP defends the autonomous State, but has been suggested to regain control of some powers, such as education.

Immigration. Both denounce an alleged effect ‘ of the policies of Pedro Sánchez, will speak about security forces unprotected and warn that those who come will have to adapt “to the laws and customs of spain”. Vox requires “reciprocity of religion, with islamic countries”, and league immigration to crime in his speeches: “do you Come here to commit crime and we have to apologize? How an immigrant enters the Strait and give you the same health card?”, proclaimed Serrano. “Put at risk our heritage historical, cultural and religious. We will expel the magnets fundamentalists, and to prohibit the mosques built by the countries where it is practised islam salafi,” said Santiago Abascal, a leader of Vox on Tuesday in Cordoba before you take a long applause.

Gibraltar. “A Gibraltar Spanish! We are the only ones who ask for it,” declared Married on the same day that Vox I recorded a video before the Rock and said: “Spain must recover the sovereignty of Gibraltar to the spaniards who live here don’t be held hostage by the pirate Picardo”.

historical Memory. Vox Vegabet often include in their rallies praises of Isabel the Catholic, and in fact, has organized a tribute in Granada on the anniversary of his death (1504). But is not this period of history to which it refers when more passions up among your audience. “The PP has submitted, has surrendered, has betrayed its electorate by keeping the law of historical memory,” says Abascal. “And we’re going to sing the forty to Paul Mosques [for Churches], who likes that song bloody, the International”. Casado has accused Sanchez of pretending to divide the spaniards with issues of 40 years ago and be “more hard with the dead than with the living”, in allusion to Franco and venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro.

Taxes. The two promise to abolish the tax of successions and donations. The two have summarized the proposals of Sanchez as “hell tax”.

What they say of their rivals. Both the PP and Vox exploit the pact of Citizens with the PSOE in Andalusia. Married accuses them of “giving breathing assistance” to the Government of Susana Díaz, and Abascal, to be “the crutch of the susanato”. Vox insists on separating themselves from the PP: “we’re Not like them. Those who are giving lessons of democrats and compliant of the Constitution.” Married, however, prevents down to the clay: called “the right’s new” to avoid the extreme right and praised Abascal, former member of the PP, in public.

Abortion. Abascal and Married proposed to repeal the Law Aído (of deadlines). The Government of Mariano Rajoy made a feint to change it, but finally kept it. That decision led to the resignation of the then minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón.

The party of the extreme right appeals to the traditional support of the popular: “For people who still are thinking of voting for the PP, even when they repulse having to do it,” reads one of their leaflets. “The right has abandoned its principles and values. The only vote useful is that of the conscience”, they say in their rallies. Married avoided to mention it directly, but it has hardened its speech with the strong themes of the campaign of the party of extreme right-wing and its sequel in Cordoba, Pepe Ortiz, invoked the valuable voting against the three letters in their last rally together: “Vote to Vox is to throw the vote to the trash,” he said. This isstrategy has raised doubts in the ranks of popular, among those who fear that by attempting to retrieve the voter of Vox, lost to the center.

the help of The campaign manager of Trump

Vox takes in its programme the abolition of public subsidies that they receive the political parties with parliamentary representation, in function of their results. As they don’t have that yet, not see them. Asked by what to do in case of entering the institutions, the secretary-general, Javier Ortega, says: “what If we representation the are going to charge you? Yes, but on that same day, we will present a proposition of law to which the parties leave to collect them”. Before the next question – this proposal does not would succeed without a sufficient majority, he adds: “The cobraríamos because what we cannot do is go out to the ring with his hands tied and eyes blindfolded. We don’t want it to charge and when we have the majority to do so will be one of our demands”.

For the moment, are financed with the contributions of members (about 13,000) and supporters. His massive act in the palacio de Vistalegre cost them 93.000 euros that together, they ensure, by crowdfunding. Campaign aside, your biggest expense is the payment of bail by the presentation of a grievance, as a for the thesis of Pedro Sanchez, of 12,000 euros, or more against the pro-independence catalans.

Have, in addition, with a group of sponsors that collaborate in kind, lending their advice on various subjects. One of them is Steve Bannon, a former head of campaign of Donald Trump. “We offered help, free of charge, because otherwise we could never afford it, to guide us on strategies. For example, in Vistalegre helped us with the scenery. Within his ideas comes that in Spain there is a political party that represents opposition to globalism, multiculturalism, what Trump represents in the US. He sees a harmony in the message,” says Ortega.

Vox said to have, in addition, with the support altruistic “exjueces of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme” that help them in their offensive legal.