“In his speech, the President Mattarella has traced the route to all work together to deliver a better Country to our children. It is a challenging task, but it is a task within our reach. The important thing is that each one of us, in the scope of their role, of their competence, based on their responsibilities, commitments in this direction and not lose sight of this purpose.” It was written by the premier Giuseppe Conte in a post on Facebook.

in his speech, he puts confidence in Italy and its wondrous energies of our young people, in the creativity that makes us great in the world, in the civic sense of profound solidarity that is proper to our tradition,” added Conte.

“A speech full of hope and confidence for the future of our Country. Mattarella, has reminded us that one enters in the twenties of this century and, without hiding the problems, we need to bet on the Italy that has the strength, spirit, passion, confidence and culture to share. We have in the first place, to the new generations that expect work and future. Thank You President. We will do our part with all the passion possible.” So the secretary of the Pd’s Nicola Zingaretti.

Also from the right, come of praise.

“A strong appeal to the Italian identity, the centrality of the family, the growth of Italy from north to south, and pride of the many positive examples that we are by our fellow citizens. From the president Mattarella, a discourse of the high profile with ambitious goals, which unfortunately clash with the mediocre reality of a government unable to give a positive response. We hope that the 2020 evaluates to a government chosen by the people, cohesive and credible, able to rekindle the hope of all italians.” The state president of Fdi Giorgia Meloni.

“A speech of good wishes, the president of the Republic, capable of grasping the elements of positivity in the reality of our Country and the reasons to stay united beyond the opposition policies and to look forward with optimism, in spite of everything, tomorrow. Is what should know how to do politics, in Italy is too often poisoned by the clash between factions and the language of hatred and defeatism,” he wrote in a note to the president of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi.

Salvini, however, does not unite to praise. Live Facebook states: “Perhaps” my “are words that are uncomfortable,” perhaps at new year’s Eve “one must make speeches, the most mellifluous, the most colourless, the most painless, the most tasteless”, but “or do it in a hurry, or this Country will turn off, or do it in a hurry to help families build a future and young people to have a stable job, or in 30 years, the discourse of the new year will someone who lives in a Country hardened”.

Before, he said: “I Will do everything that is humanly possible, with the help of God and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to return to the Italian job, serenity and security, to the families hope and a future to the young people certainty and rights, in the name of the supreme value of Freedom, today, too often denied. As soon as the incapable the government take away the disorder and the Italians will be able to return to vote, we are ready to take the hand of the Country”.

“another great speech by the president Mattarella. The references to the public-spiritedness and sense of responsibility are strong, sharp and committed each of us. Of great value, then the repeated references to the culture as a big driver of quality of life that makes up the social fabric of a Country that is more solid, and the quote of the celebrations of Leonardo, Raphael, Dante, and Matera, and Parma, a capital of european and Italian Culture. We will try, in the action of the government even on those issues, commit ourselves to the maximum to respect and honor the words so demanding of the President”, said the minister for cultural Heritage and activities and tourism, Dario Franceschini (Pd).

“Every 31st of December brings with it moments of reflection and budgets. It is a moment that unites us all. And I think that the wise words of President Mattarella, this evening has embellished this time by reminding us all, and especially to those who holds public office, the daily and constant commitment that we have to carry forward to make a stronger and more cohesive our community and to improve the quality of life for all.”, is the comment of the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico.

Italy Alive, with national coordinators Ettore Rosato and Teresa Bellanova, expresses great appreciation for the words of the Head of the State. “The discourse of the end of the year of the president Mattarella is especially appreciated the warning about the growth and appeal to new families and young people, which must be given responsibility and trust. The fundamental role of Europe and the importance of renewed attention to environmental issues. To respond to the calls of the new decade, there is only one road, the road of growth that Italy Viva has placed from the beginning as its priority”.

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