The majority rejects the “Award Activities” on the postponement of a year’s prescription with 49 no, 40 yes. In spite of Italy Alive has voted for the amendment to the Milleproroghe of his member and he is siding with the opposition. Therefore, the commissions on constitutional Affairs and the financial statements of the Chamber have said no to the proposal renziana to postpone a year, the reform Bonafede on the prescription. The government had given an indication of voting against the proposal renziana. The committees have voted no also to another amendment, always of Lucia Annibali , identical in content, with the variation of the return to life of the law Orlando. The reactions to the vote, “We are determined to go ahead and in the next few days we will have finally the reform of the criminal process, as provided for by the government program, and the change to the prescription. It is clear, for honour, for the record, if that will be in force the law Bonafede still for a while, only for the merit of Italy Alive,” said the vice parent company Pd in the Chamber of Deputies Michael Edge .

“It’s been a long and slow agony of this vote, today, organized, and my amendment was rejected. It has been a choice of but little sense, unreasonable, that cannot sustain for a matter of merit, of law, of principles”, a replica Annibali.