“We have just deposited the ddl on the prescription to ensure the necessary balance between the prescription and the duration of the processes,” says Anna Rossomando opening press conference of the Pd at the headquarters in Largo del Nazareno.

Says Walter Verini : “We are a coalition government. When was approved prescription we said no, it was a no bottom with a lot of preliminary reference of constitutionality because the requirement of Bonafede violates article 111 of the Constitution”.

And yet: “We hope that our proposal is not used, but the minister of justice be able to reach a balance. Because we do not want that Justice is a battle ground. We are against the party, but also against the just ac. We would like a process at certain times and that the innocent not to be processed in certain times”.

Staff of the Justice to the full, Walter Verini, the new head of the Justice of the Pd, the secretary of state via Arenula Andrea Giorgis , the leaders of the dem of the commissions of Justice of the Room (Alfredo Bazoli ) and the Senate ( Franco Mirabelli , the vice president of palazzo Madama Anna Rossomando.

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