true finns say he designed the alternative to their budget, primarily finns and their needs.

PS save immigration, development aid and corporate support, and direct money to the most important destinations, such as the disadvantaged, the elderly, families with children and sick people.

Party invests funds to health care resources, caregiver support, indoor air problems, medical reimbursement, and enforcement of the to help. Also, the farmers remembered the extra money.

Smallholder farmers, additional aid and the merging of the + 60 million eur thousand police training and hiring, + 50 million euros on the share of increase in nursing staff hiring, + 50 million care staff in place to start the growth of UNIVERSITY-level and vocational college in the + 20 million border guard services, alarm centers and rescue services, + 21 million euros

in Addition, the PS would remove the drugs the deductible pienituloisimmilta, would raise the diabetes drugs level of compensation and the return of coeliac sufferers diet compensation. Indoor air problems to solve and heavily in debt to help the party based on your own programs.

the state’s coffers the money of development aid and business support

true finns presents an alternative budget in its long list of improvements to the existing immigration line, and cuts in immigrants ‘ reception and integration expenses.

PS:according to the savings in migration costs, are multiplied health care, social security and judicial resources, so they do not remain only one year. The party’s calculations in the paint at the billions, if not tens of billions of euros of savings.

by These means increases in expenditure are financed:

immigration cost savings in 2020, + 320 million in corporate support, in particular wind power subsidies cut, + 330 million in development assistance cut, + 300 million euros.Natural protected areas the acquisition of surgery, + 40 million euros.

in Addition, the income should be inward change of key personnel tax rebate removal, as well as lowering the special assistant and the secretary of state the number of the previous government level. Party support can be cut appreciably.

tax changes:

the Fuel tax increases, withdrawal, – eur 250 million in the earned income deduction to raise, – with 100 million euroaYle-tax reduction, – eur 100 million households reduction surgery removes, a – 92 million eur child reduction, restoration, – eur 70 million suursäätiöt and of the association of capital income tax + eur 65 million pension harmonisation of tax on labor income with – 50 million euros

PS also reasonable the inheritance tax and change of support for informal tax free. In addition, the energy tax would be lowered to the EU minimum level of the industry to ensure the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses develop new community tax model. This would facilitate employment.

PS: the purchasing power will be improved, owe less

the true finns alternative budget of 194 million euros surplus Antti Rinne (sd.) the government’s next year budget comparison.

Revenue is around 740 million, and spending almost 550 million euros.

PS estimates that their special get the tax will decline and people will put more money in your hand. In this case, the citizens can buy more goods and services, thereby strengthening domestic demand.

the finns party calculates that its budget would improve citizens ‘ purchasing power eur 700 million compared to the government budget. Lolo is taken approximately 190 million less.

the Party according to the state of indebtedness of the stops, and the state of the property need to sell lump sum expenditure because, as this government intends to do.

the Coalition will release its own shadow budget next week. The Opposition in the budget debate at the parliament’s plenary session on Tuesday 20. November.

Repair at 13.47 Expenses and income are translated correctly.

Read more:

KD would raise child benefit, would give vauvaton’s and wanted to cancel the gas tax increases – the revenue collected in the sugar tax and housing conditions of blackmail

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